Creating an archiving policy settings document

To set up mail file archiving, you use both Archiving Policy Settings documents and Archive Criteria Settings documents. The Archiving Policy Settings document allows you to specify archiving policy parameters -- or not specify parameters -- as well as to specify whether IBM® Notes® users can archive mail databases, and whether they can set or modify archive settings. The Archiving Policy Settings document can make use of one or more archive criteria settings documents.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have at least Editor access to the Domino® Directory and one of these roles:
  • PolicyCreator role to create a settings document
  • PolicyModifier role to modify a settings document

About this task

Tip: You can prohibit all archiving by selecting the Prohibit Archiving setting and applying the policy to a set of users. If you choose to prevent private archiving, users cannot change these settings or create private archive settings.

If you allow archiving, use the archiving policy settings document to define whether archiving is performed by a server or by a user's client, and to specify source and destination archive systems. If archiving is client-based, you can also set the archive schedule. If you choose to, you can change the name and location of the default archive log file. You can also set a policy designating that archiving is done by the user's client, and allow the user to define the schedule and archiving criteria.

The information provided here applies to Notes clients. For information on setting up archiving using policies for IBM® iNotes®, see the IBM® iNotes® Administration product documentation in the related information.


  1. From the IBM® Domino® Administrator, click the People & Groups tab, and then open the Settings view.
  2. Click Add Settings and then select Archiving.
  3. On the Basics tab, complete these fields:
    • Name -- Enter a name that identifies the users or the settings themselves.
    • Description -- Enter a description of the settings.
  4. Optional: Under Archiving Options, choose one of the following if you want to prohibit archiving. The default is to allow both.
    • Prohibit archiving -- to prohibit all archiving. The Allow Calendar Cleanup check box displays. It is selected by default but you can deselect if you choose to prevent users from performing calendar cleanup functions. Save the document.
    • Prohibit private archiving criteria -- to prohibit Notes® users from creating private archive settings or modifying the archive settings defined in this settings document.
  5. Under Archiving will be performed on, choose one:
    • User's local workstation -- to use the Notes® client workstation to perform the archive process (the default).
    • Server -- to use a server to perform the archive process. If you choose this option, you must create a program document to run the compact task.
  6. Under Archiving source database is on, specify the server on which the mail file that will be archived is located. Choose one:
    • Local -- Any scheduled archive functions are performed against a local replica of the mail file on the user's workstation.
    • Specific server -- Choose this option if the mail file is on a server other than the user's designated mail server. Specify the name of the server. Any scheduled archive function will be performed against the a mail file replica on the specified server.
    • Mail server -- Choose this option if the mail file is on the mail server specified in the user's Location document (default). Any scheduled archive functions will be performed against a mail file replica on the user's mail server specified in the Location document.
    Note: This setting applies only to scheduled replication. If a user has multiple replicas of their mail file, any scheduled replication functions occur only in the replica specified here. This setting does not impact the user's ability to initiate archiving when archiving is configured to be performed by the client.
  7. Under Destination database is on, specify the server or workstation on which the archive database and archive log will reside. If the user is able to initiate archive functions, that is, archiving is configured to be performed on the Notes® client, you must give the user Create access on the destination server to create an archive database. Choose one:
    • Local -- to create the mail archive database on the user's workstation (available for client-based archiving only).
    • Specific server -- to create the mail archive database on a server other than the mail server. Then specify the name of the server.
    • Mail server -- to create the mail archive database on the user's designated mail server.
  8. On the Selection Criteria tab, do one or more of the following:
    • Click New Criteria to create a new Archive Criteria Settings document. Then, click Add Criteria and select your newly-defined criteria document. See the related topics for instructions on specifying details of the criteria in the new document.
    • Click Add Criteria, and then choose one or more Archive Criteria Settings documents to add to your archiving settings.
    • Click Remove Criteria, and then choose one or more Archive Criteria Settings document to remove from your archiving settings.
  9. Click the Logging tab. Under Archive Logging, enable the field Log all archiving activity into a log database to log archiving activity to a log database (the default).
  10. Optional: Change any of these fields if you want to change the location of the log directory and log file name.
    Table 1. Fields used to specify the log directory and file name



    Log Directory

    The default is archive. Enter a new name if you want to change it.

    Log Prefix

    The default is the letter l, followed by an underscore (_). Enter a new prefix if you want to change it.

    Log Suffix

    The default is .NSF. Enter any other suffix that you would like to use.

    Number of characters from original filename

    The default is 50. To change this, enter the number of characters you want to use from the user's mail file name to create the archive log name.

  11. In the field Include document links to archived documents, do one:
    • Enable this field to include links to archived documents in the log (default). If you include links, users can open archived documents from within the log database.
    • Disable the field to exclude links to archived documents in the log. If you exclude links, users must open the archive database to view archived documents.
  12. On the Schedule tab, for the field Specify a client-based scheduled archive, choose one:
    • Enable this field to set up a schedule for client-based archiving, and then specify the schedule by completing Step 13.
    • Disable this field and continue to Step 14. No archiving schedule is set for the users; however, users can still set their own archiving schedule.
  13. Optional: If you enabled Specify a client-based scheduled archive, complete one or more of these fields.
    Table 2. Fields used to define an archive schedule for an end user



    Allow users to modify schedule

    Users modify the default schedule to set their own schedule.


    Choose one:

    • Daily – and then select the days of the week on which to archive.
    • Weekly – (default) and then choose the day of the week on which to archive.

    Run at

    Specify the time. The default is 12:00 PM.

    Note: The Notes® client must be running for scheduled archiving to occur.

    Every week on

    When Weekly is set, specify the day. The default is Tuesday.

  14. Also on the Schedule tab, under Location, specify the locations from which to archive. For example, if you are using client-based archiving, you may want to archive only from a user's office workstation, not from an island or if the user has dialed in. Choose one:
    • Any Location -- to archive from any location.
    • Specific Location -- and then specify one or more locations.
  15. On the Advanced tab, complete these fields:
    Table 3. Advanced tab fields



    Delete a document only when the criteria can delete all responses as well

    Do one of these:

    • Enable (default) to ensure that a document is deleted only when the document's response documents meet archiving criteria and can also be deleted. Use this option to prevent orphaned documents in hierarchical views.
    • Disable the field to delete documents without prior checking of response documents.
    Note: This setting does not apply to Calendaring and Scheduling documents which are always enabled to prevent accidental "orphaning."

    Maximum document retention selection is:

    Specify for all users to whom the policy applies, the number of days, months, or years that comprise the maximum retention period for deleting and archiving documents. If private archiving is enabled, and a maximum retention setting is in effect, users cannot define criteria with a scope that is larger than the maximum retention setting.

    For example, assume the maximum retention is set to two years. Users can define criteria that selects documents created, modified, accessed, or expired up to 24 months. An error is generated if users try to save criteria whose scope is greater than 24 months (two years).

    Use customer-generated expiration field:

    Click to enable administrators to define their own field name for an archive document expiration date.

    Customer generated expiration field name:

    Specify a field name for the expiration date of archived documents. Any archive criteria that selects documents based on expiration date now uses the field name specified here.

  16. Save the document.