DAOSTune command line arguments

Here are the command line argument options for using DAOSTune to scan for attachments, display bucket tables, and control other tool features.

Table 1. Command line arguments
Options for Scanning
-scanType <all | daos | indirect <filename> | template <comma-separated list of template names>}
This option tells DAOSTune which databases to scan for objects, excluding any system databases.
  • The all option scans all local databases.
  • The daos option scans only databases that are DAOS-enabled.
  • The indirect option allows you to specify a .ind file that contains a list of databases or directories to scan. This is the only way to specify directories for scanning. (for example, -scanType indirect daos.ind scans all the databases and directories listed in the daos.ind file that you specified).
    Note: A .ind file is just a text file where each line denotes a Domino database or directory. Directories end with a slash character(/). You can create a .ind file yourself.
  • The template option allows you to specify a template name for scanning. DAOSTune searches for all databases using this template and only includes those in the output. (for example, -scanType template StdR14Mail scans all databases with the “StdR14Mail” template). You can include more than one template by using a comma-separated list (for example, -scanType template StdR14Mail,StdR12Discussion scans all databases that have either template).

The default value for this option is all.

-minObjectSize <size in bytes>
This option controls which size of objects is considered. Any objects found while scanning that are larger than this value are included in the estimation.
Note: Since DAOS itself does not accept objects smaller than 64000 bytes, values less than this cannot be specified.

The default value for this option is 100000.

-numThreads <1 - 30>

This option controls the number of threads to use for scanning database objects. Generally, more threads mean faster scanning at the expense of using more CPU resources.

The default value for this option is 1.

Options for Displaying
-bucketType <equalSize | equalCount>
This option controls which bucket creation algorithm is used to display the table output.
  • equalSize creates a table output where the buckets’ suggested minimum object sizes are ordered in an equal interval (for example, the first bucket’s minimum object size is 1000000, the second is 900000, the third is 800000, and so on).
  • equalCount creates a table output where the buckets’ .nlo counts are ordered in an equal interval (for example, the first bucket’s .nlo count is 100, the second is 200, the third is 300, and so on).

Both algorithms fill in the bucket data the same way, but produce different distributions. For example, if a server has many small objects and only a few large ones, the equalSize distribution will be skewed and not very helpful.

The default value for this option is equalCount.

-buckets <2 - 1000>

This option controls the number of buckets to be created and displayed. More buckets mean more granularity; this shows more options but may not always be useful. It is worth experimenting with different values for this option.

The default value for this option is 10.

-output <filename>
With this option, you can specify a file name to store the output of the program instead of having it print to the console. Relative paths are based on the Domino data directory.
Note: Regardless of whether or not this is set, all errors are still printed to the console.

There is no default value for this option; if not specified, output is written to the console.

-bytePrint <bytes | pretty>

With his option you can control how byte numbers are printed. (for example, bytes for "106346578", or pretty for "101.42 MB"). The pretty byte unit types are denoted in binary so 1KB = 1024 Bytes and likewise for the other types.

The default value for this option depends on which output format is being using. If output is written to the console, this defaults to pretty. If output is written to a file, it defaults to bytes. If a specific option is chosen, that selection overrides the default.

Other Options
-logLevel <1 - 4>
This option controls how much output is printed.
  • 1 = minimum
  • 2 = normal
  • 3 = verbose
  • 4 = debug

The default value for this option is 2.

-run <collect <filename> | analyze <filename>}
This option is a special feature of the program which breaks scanning and displaying into two separate runs.
  • Running DAOSTune with the -run collect <filename> option runs only the scanning part of the program and creates a CSV-style file that contains data about the objects.
  • Running DAOSTune with the -run analyze <filename> option runs only the displaying part of the program that can read the CSV-style file generated by the collection run.

You can scan once and then run again with any display options you want as many times as you want without having to rescan the entire server. When running the collect option, all display arguments are safely ignored; when running the analyze option, all scanning options are safely ignored.

There is no default for this option - it must be specified if desired. The default behavior is to run both the scanning and displaying in one run without creating a file.

-help | --help | -? | /?

This option displays command line help.

Note: All arguments are case-insensitive. Only file names and template names are case-sensitive.