




  1. 确保您在数据库中具有设计者或管理员访问权限。
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Open a database and select File > Application > Properties.
    • As you create a new database, click the Advanced button.
    Note: In the following steps, properties with an asterisk (*) improve performance but do not reduce database size.
  3. Enable as many of the following properties as possible:
    • Display images after loading (Basics tab)*
    • Don't maintain unread marks (Advanced tab)
    • Optimize document table map (Advanced tab)*
    • Don't overwrite free space (Advanced tab)*
    • Don't support specialized response hierarchy (Advanced tab)
    • Don't allow headline monitoring (Advanced tab)*
    • Don't allow simple search (Advanced tab)*
    • Limit entries in $UpdatedBy fields (Advanced tab)
    • Limit entries in $Revisions fields (Advanced tab)
    • Compress database design (Advanced tab)
    • Compress document data (Advanced tab)
    • Use Domino® Attachment and Object Service (Advanced tab)
  4. Disable as many as possible of the following properties:
    • Allow use of stored forms in this database (Basics tab)
    • Maintain LastAccessed property (Basics tab)*
  5. If you select any of the following properties, compact the database for the property to take effect.
    • Don't maintain unread marks
    • Optimize document table map
    • Don't support specialized response hierarchy
    • Use Domino® Attachment and Object Service (Advanced tab)
    • Move views out of database
    Note: You can use the Compact task with specific options to enable or disable the properties and then compact the database.