
You enable activity logging and set up Activity Trends in the Configuration Settings document. First, you enable activity logging to gather data for the selected server tasks.


The first time you start Activity Trends, the system must run and collect data for 24 hours before you can work with the data. Then you specify how to collect the Activity Trends and create the Activity Trends database (ACTIVITY.NSF), which is stored, by default, in the Domino® data directory.


  1. Domino ® Administrator 中,单击配置选项卡,展开服务器部分,然后单击配置。
  2. 选择服务器,然后单击“编辑配置”“添加配置”
  3. Click the Activity Logging tab, and enable the check box Activity logging is enabled.
  4. Under Server Activity Logging Configuration, complete these fields:
    Table 1. Server Activity Logging Configuration fields
    场地 行动
    Enabled logging types Select the server tasks to use to produce activity logging data.

    For Activity Trends, enable all tasks except Domino®.MAIL. At a minimum, you must enable Domino®.Notes.Session and Domino®.Notes.Database.

    检查点间隔 输入创建检查点记录之间等待的分钟数。默认值为 15 分钟。
    午夜登录检查站 Check Yes to log ongoing session activity at midnight. This is required for Activity Trends.

    You must enable this field to enable Activity Logging.

    记录 Prime Shift 的检查点 选中“是”,然后指定主要班次间隔来记录主要班次的检查点。

    You must enable this field to enable Activity Logging.

    主换档间隔 指定主要班次的开始和结束时间。按小时设置间隔。
  5. Click the Activity Trends tab, and complete the following fields on the Basics tab:
    2 .“基本信息”选项卡
    场地 行动
    Enable activity trends collector Click yes to run the Activity Trends Collector.

    Activity Trends Collector uses the raw data from activity logging and prepares it for use with Activity Trends.

    Activity trends collector database path Enter the name and path of the database where Activity Trends data is stored if you want to change this. The default is activity.nsf.
    Time of day to run activity trends collector Enter a time. The default is 3:23 AM. Schedule the Activity Trends Collector to run after the Catalog task runs. By default, the Catalog task runs at 1 AM.
    一周中收集观测数据的日子 选择您想要收集观察结果的日子。默认是周一到周五。
  6. Under Activity Trends Data Profile Options, keep the Use defaults field enabled. If you choose not to use the defaults, complete these fields.
    Table 3. Activity Trends Data Profile Options
    场地 行动
    趋势基数间隔 输入您想要使用的最近观察的次数。默认值为 10。

    计算趋势值时,最近的观察结果具有最大的权重。例如,如果您在“星期几收集观测值”字段中选择“星期一到星期五”,并在“趋势基数间隔”字段中使用默认值 10,则趋势值将包括两周的观测值(每周五天)。

    Note: If you know there has been a recent change in user activity, you may choose not to use trended values.
    观察时间段(秒) 指定一个存储桶的时间(以秒为单位)。默认值为 300。

    观察时间控制着 24 小时观察期内您将拥有多少个存储桶。

    最大观察列表大小 指定数据在被新数据覆盖之前在趋势数据库中保存的最长时间。默认值为 366,即闰年的天数。
    趋势历史间隔 选一个:
    • 日常的
    • 每周(默认)
    • 每月
    • 趋势区间
  7. 单击“保留”选项卡。保持使用默认值字段处于启用状态。保留期过后,文档将被覆盖。默认值为:
    • 服务器历史记录--366天
    • 服务器观察--15天
    • 数据库观察——10 天
    • 用户观察——10 天
    • 连接观察——10 天
    • 非活动数据库趋势 - 10 天
    • 不活跃用户趋势 - 28 天
    • 不活跃连接趋势 - 28 天
    • 运行日志——20天
  8. Click the Proxy Data tab, and enter the names of the databases containing activity data to search.
  9. 单击保存并关闭。