메일 저널링 데이터베이스 설정

By default, mail journaling is not enabled. You enable journaling from the Configuration Settings document. To set up the Mail Journaling database, you specify where to store journaled messages and then set options for managing the security and size of the database. After you enable journaling, Domino® automatically creates the Mail Journaling database in the specified location.


  1. 구성할 서버에 대한 구성 설정 문서가 이미 있는지 확인하십시오.
  2. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.
  3. 구성 을 클릭합니다.
  4. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers where you want to journal mail, and click Edit Configuration.
  5. 라우터/SMTP를 클릭하세요. > 고급의 > 저널링 탭.
  6. 다음 필드를 완료한 후 저장 후 닫기를 클릭합니다.
    1 . 저널링 필드
    필드 설명
    저널링 서버가 메일 저널링을 지원하는지 여부를 지정합니다. 하나를 선택하세요:
    • Enabled - Domino® supports mail journaling on the servers governed by this document. To journal mail, create a server mail rule with the action Journal this message.
    • 비활성화됨 - (기본값) 이 문서에서 관리하는 서버에서는 메일 저널링이 지원되지 않습니다.
    필드 암호화 제외 목록 Specifies the names of Notes® message fields that Domino® does not encrypt when adding messages to the Mail Journaling database. Encrypted fields cannot be displayed in a view. List any fields you want to display in a view. By default, the following fields are not encrypted: Form, From, Principal, and PostedDate.
    Note: When using a mail-in database for journaling, Domino® does not automatically encrypt messages added to the database. To encrypt messages in a mail-in database use the Mail-in database document to specify encryption of incoming messages.
    방법 메일 저널링 데이터베이스의 위치를 ​​지정합니다. 하나를 선택하세요:
    • Copy to local database - (default) The Router copies each journaled message to a database on the local server. If it does not already exist, Domino® creates a local Mail Journaling database on the server. If the Configuration Settings document applies to multiple servers, Domino® creates a unique Mail Journaling database on each server.
    • Send to mail-in database - The Router copies each journaled message and sends it to a specified mail-in database. The specified database must already exist and must have a Mail-in database document in the Domino® Directory. The mail-in database used for journaling may be on any Domino® server, including the local server. Specify the mail file where journaled messages are to be sent in the Mail Destination field. When using a mail-in database for journaling, be sure to encrypt messages when adding them to the database. To encrypt messages sent to a mail-in database, enable encryption on the Basics tab of the Mail-in database document.
    데이터베이스 이름 If you specified Copy to local database as the journaling method, specify the file name you want Domino® to use when it creates the Mail Journaling database. The default name is MAILJRN.NSF.
    메일 대상 저널링 방법으로 메일인 데이터베이스로 보내기를 지정한 경우 이 필드를 사용하여 라우터가 저널링할 메시지를 전달할 메일인 데이터베이스의 이름을 입력하십시오.

    Click the down-arrow to select the name of the mail-in database from the Domino® Directory.

    Note: You must create the mail-in database beforehand; Domino® does not automatically create mail-in databases for journaling.
    사용자를 대신하여 암호화 If you specified Copy to local database as the journaling method, enter the fully qualified Notes® Name of the user whose certified public key Domino® uses to encrypt messages added to the database. To ensure privacy, consider creating a special user ID for reviewing journaled messages, and protect the ID with multiple passwords.

    메일인 데이터베이스로 전송된 메시지를 암호화하려면 메일인 데이터베이스 문서의 기본 탭에서 암호화를 활성화하십시오.

    데이터베이스 관리 - 방법 For local Mail Journaling databases, the entry in this field specifies how Domino® controls the size of the Mail Journaling database. When the database management method in effect calls for Domino® to create a new Mail Journaling database, on the day that it creates the new database, it does so at approximately 12:00 AM. Choose one of the following methods:
    • Periodic Rollover - (default) When the current Mail journaling database reaches the age specified in the Periodicity field, Domino® renames the existing Mail Journaling database and creates a new Mail Journaling database with the original name.
    • None - Domino® does not automatically control the size of the Mail Journaling database. If you do not use one of the available methods for controlling database size automatically, be sure to monitor the database size and use appropriate tools to archive the journal data.
    • Purge/Compact - Domino® deletes documents from the database after the number of days specified in the Data Retention field and then compacts the database.
    • Size Rollover - When the current database reaches the size specified in the Maximum size field, Domino® renames the database and creates a new Mail Journaling database with the original name.
    주기성 If you specified Periodic Rollover in the preceding field, Domino® displays this field for specifying the length, in days, of the rollover interval. The default value is 1 day.
    데이터 보존 If you specified Purge/Compact in the Database Management-Method field, Domino® displays this field for specifying the time, in days, that a message remains in the Mail Journaling database before being deleted.
    최대 크기 If you specified Size Rollover in the Database Management-Method field, Domino® displays this field for specifying a size limit, in megabytes (MB), for the Mail journaling database. After the database reaches the specified size, Domino® renames it and creates a new one.


변경 사항은 다음 라우터 구성 업데이트 후에 적용됩니다. 새 설정을 즉시 적용하려면 라우팅 구성을 다시 로드하세요.