로컬 인터넷 도메인 내에서 SMTP 라우팅 설정
You can set up servers to use SMTP routing when transferring messages to other servers in the local Internet domain. You can enable SMTP routing on every server or only on servers that route to destinations outside of the Notes® named network. For example, you may not have a direct IP connection between all the servers in one TCP/IP Notes® named network and all the servers in another. You may still require that all messages moving from one Notes® named network to another be routed through hub servers.
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- From the Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab and then expand the Messaging section.
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로컬 인터넷 도메인 내에서 SMTP가 허용됨
하나를 선택하세요:
- MIME messages only -- The Router uses SMTP to transfer MIME messages to other Domino® servers that are within the same Domino® domain and that run the SMTP Listener.
- Disabled (default) -- The Router uses Notes® routing to transfer mail to other servers in the same Domino® domain.
- All messages -- The Router uses SMTP to transfer both Notes® format and MIME format messages to other Domino® servers that are within the same Domino® domain and that run the SMTP Listener. This will cause Notes® format messages to be converted to MIME format before being transferred. This may cause loss of fidelity and performance. For example, Notes® doc links will not work.
Note: You can limit the use of SMTP to transfer mail within the Domino® domain by setting the next field (Servers within the local Domino domain are reachable via SMTP over TCPIP) to only allow SMTP within the same Notes® named network.Servers within the local Domino® domain are reachable via SMTP over TCPIP
하나를 선택하세요:
- Always (default) -- The Router can use SMTP to transfer mail to any Domino® server in the local Domino® domain that runs the SMTP Listener.
- Only if in same Notes® named network -- The Router can use SMTP to transfer mail to other Domino® servers in the local Domino® domain only if the destination server is in the same Notes® named network. If the destination server is in the local Domino® domain, but resides in a different Notes® named network, the Router must use Notes® routing to transfer mail.