How Domino® uses Global domain documents during inbound and outbound SMTP routing
When Domino® receives an inbound SMTP message, it attempts to determine whether the message is for a local recipient. When the Domino® Directory does not include a Global Domain document, Domino® accepts only messages addressed to users in the same Internet domain as the server, as indicated in the Fully-qualified Internet host name that appears in the Server document.
이 작업 정보
But if the Domino® Directory includes a Global domain document, Domino® can receive mail for multiple Internet domains. To determine whether to accept a message, Domino® compares the domain part to the local primary Internet domain listed in the Global domain document. If it does not find a match in this field, it examines the secondary Internet domains -- the alternate Internet domain aliases -- listed in that document.
인바운드 SMTP 메일을 수락할지 여부를 결정하는 데 있어서 글로벌 도메인 문서의 역할If the Domino® Directory contains multiple Global domain documents, Domino® uses a similar process to determine whether a recipient is local: it first checks the primary Internet domain in each Global Domain document, and then, if it still hasn't found a match, it continues by checking the alternate Internet domains. If the domain in the address does not match any of the domain entries in any Global domain document, the message is considered an attempt to relay, and Domino® rejects the message.
Inbound address lookup when the Domino® Directory contains multiple Global Domain documents
이 작업 정보
After Domino® accepts a message, the Router attempts to match the recipient's Internet address to an entry in the Domino® Directory. When looking up the recipient in the Domino® Directory, if the domain suffix in the address matches an alternate Internet domain aliases defined in a Global Domain document, and no Person document includes this address, the Router performs a secondary lookup. In this secondary lookup, the Router pairs the local part of the address with the domain suffix of the primary Internet domain specified in the Global domain document.
For example, a server receives a message for The Router searches all of the Person documents in the Domino® Directory for this Internet address, but cannot find a match. However, in the Domino® Directory, there is a Global domain document that includes the domain suffix as an alternate Internet domain alias. In this same Global Domain document, the primary Internet domain is After the primary lookup fails, Domino® performs a secondary lookup, using the address Domino® performs secondary lookups only if the Router is configured to perform fullname, or fullname, then local part lookups.
In cases where the Domino® Directory contains multiple Global domain documents, and a secondary lookup is required, when replacing the domain suffix in the original address with the domain suffix of the primary Internet domain, the Router only considers Global domain documents that list the alternate Internet domain alias. That is, Domino® always replaces the domain suffix from within a given document; it never replaces an alternate domain listed in one document with a primary domain from another document.
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이 작업 정보
When the Domino® Directory contains a single Global Domain document, the address construction rules in that document determine how a server forms the sender's address in an outbound SMTP message. However, if the Domino® Directory contains multiple Global Domain documents, when constructing the sender's address, Domino® uses the Internet domain specified in the Server document and the address construction rules defined in the Global Domain document listed last, alphabetically, in the directory. If you want Domino® to form the sender's outbound address from the primary Internet domain and the address construction rules contained in a particular Global domain document, designate that document as the default Global Domain document.
When there are multiple Global Domain documents in the Domino® Directory, designate one as the default so that when a servers construct a sender's outbound Internet address, the addresses created are based on the primary Internet domain and address construction rules specified in the designated document.
- From the Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab and then expand the Messaging section.
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- On the Basics tab, for the field Use as default Global Domain (for use with all Internet protocols except HTTP), select Yes to designate this Global Domain document as the default Global domain for this Domino® Directory.
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