Scenario: hidden or read-only form items in Stages
This scenario uses a Vacation Request application to describe how to use multiple Stages to make sections of a form that is either hidden, or read-only.
The Vacation Request application is built with two sections: the
top section contains fields the employee fills out to schedule vacation
time. The bottom section of the form contains information for the
manager's approval or rejection. When the users complete the form,
they do not need to see the manager's portion. When managers review
the submitted form, they must not modify the employee's submitted
portion. In both parts of this example, marking items as hidden, or
read-only is valuable.
Tip: By building the user's and
manager's portions of the form inside a Section, you can apply the
hidden or read-only values to the entire section. Without using Sections,
you must set the property for each individual form item.
The Vacation Request form has three Stages:
- Start: The beginning phase where users view and complete the form for submission
- Approval: This stage was created by the form designer. When the user submits the form, it moves to the Approval stage and is processed by a manager.
- End: When the manager approves, or denies the request, the submitter is notified, and the form is considered closed.
When the form is viewed in the Visibility tab of the
Workflow, it is identical to how it appears the design environment.
The main differences are the icon buttons on the upper side of each form item, and the
addition of workflow buttons at the bottom of the form. You automatically view the section in
the Start stage. For each form item, the following icons are available:
: The Visibility icon. When clicked, this icon hides form items or a section on a particular Stage.
: The Read-Only icon. When clicked, this icon makes a form item or section Read-Only in a Stage.
To make the user's portion of the form read-only: In the Approval stage, go to the top of the user's portion of the form. Click the Read-Only icon. A line appears diagonally through the icon, representing that the section is now read-only.
Using a basic example, this scenario described how to set properties on form items within Stages. Setting items or sections as hidden or read-only simplifies form design, yet allows for complex processes to be built into one form.