FileEncoding (NotesEmbeddedObject - LotusScript®)

Read-only. For file attachments, returns the type of file encoding.

Defined in


Data type



To get: encode& = notesEmbeddedObject .FileEncoding

Legal value

This property applies only to file attachments and provides one of the following constants:
  • EMBED_ENCODE_NONE (default) - The embedded object has no encoding.
  • EMBED_ENCODE_BASE64 - The embedded object has base64 encoding. This binary-to-text encoding scheme represents binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.
  • EMBED_ENCODE_QUOTEDPRINTABLE - The embedded object has quotedprintable encoding. This encoding method converts binary data into ASCII text and vice versa and is one of the methods used by MIME. This method is good for text that contains an occasional 8-bit character. The 7-bit text is kept the same, and only the 8-bit text is encoded.
  • EMBED_ENCODE_UUENCODE - The embedded object has x-uuencode encoding. Uuencoding is a form of binary-to-text encoding that originated in the Unix program uuencode, for encoding binary data for transmission over the UUCP mail system. The name "uuencoding" is derived from "Unix-to-Unix encoding".
  • EMBED_ENCODE_EXTENSION - The embedded object has unknown extension encoding.

Anything besides a file attachment returns EMBED_ENCODE_NONE by default. The bits are obtained from the FileObject struct.


This is a read-only property and is used for obtaining the encoding information that applies to an embedded object (file attachment).