Limiting the contents of a replica
About this task
Use the following replication settings in the File - Replication Settings dialog box to limit the size of a replica or to display a subset of information relevant to a particular group of users.
Remove documents not modified in the last x days (Space Savers panel)
About this task
The number of days specified here, known as the purge interval, controls when Domino® purges deletion stubs from a database. Deletion stubs are markers that remain from deleted documents so that Domino® knows to delete documents in other replicas of the database. Because deletion stubs take up disk space, Domino® regularly removes deletion stubs that are at least as old as the value specified. It checks for deletion stubs that require removal at 1/3 of the purge interval. For example, assuming the default value, 90 days, when a user opens a database, Domino® checks if it has been at least 30 days since it removed deletion stubs, and if so it removes any deletion stubs that are at least 90 days old. The Updall task, which runs by default at 2:00 AM, also removes deletion stubs.
You can shorten the purge interval, if you want, but be sure to replicate more frequently than the purge interval; otherwise, deleted documents can be replicated back to the replica.
Optionally, you can select the check box to remove documents in the replica that haven't changed within the purge interval. If you select the check box, when Domino® removes deletion stubs it also removes documents that haven't changed within the specified number of days. These documents are purged, meaning no deletion stubs remain for the documents, so the documents aren't deleted in other replicas. The "Only Replicate Incoming Documents Saved or Modified After: date" setting prevents the purged documents from reappearing through replication. If the other replicas have this check box selected, similar document purging occurs in them.
Only Replicate Incoming Documents Saved or Modified After: date (Other panel)
About this task
A replica can only receive documents created or modified since the date specified. If you clear the database replication history, during the next replication, Domino® scans only documents created or modified since the date specified here. If you clear the date before clearing the replication history, Domino® scans all documents in the database.
Use this option in conjunction with clearing the replication history to solve replication problems. If you clear or change this date, when Domino® next purges deletion stubs, it resets the date to correspond to the number of days specified in "Remove documents not modified in the last x days" setting. For example, if Domino® purges deletion stubs on 1/1/99 and the "Remove documents not modified in the last x days" setting is 90, on 1/1/99 Domino® resets the date to 10/1/98. If the check box is selected in the "Remove documents not modified in the last x days" setting -- meaning documents that meet the purge interval criteria are purged as well as deletion stubs -- this automatic date reset ensures that the purged documents aren't replicated back into the replica.
For more information on the replication history, see Domino® Administrator Help.
Receive summary and 40KB of rich text only (Space Savers panel)
About this task
If you select this setting, Domino® prevents large attachments from replicating and shortens the documents that this replica receives. The shortened documents contain only a document summary that includes basic information, such as the author and subject, and the first 40KB of rich text.
When users open a shortened document, they see "(TRUNCATED)" in the document title. To view the entire document, users must choose Actions - Retrieve Entire Document from the open document.
Keep the following points in mind when using this setting:
- Users can't categorize or edit shortened documents.
- Agents don't work on shortened documents.
- Shortened documents replicate only if the destination replica also has this option selected.
Replicate a subset of documents (Space Savers Advanced panel)
About this task
Use this setting to specify that a replica receives only the documents in a specific folder or view or only documents that meet selection criteria specified in a formula. Replication formulas are similar to view selection formulas.
Keep in mind the following points when you use replication formulas:
- You cannot use @DbLookup, @UserName, @Environment, or @Now in a replication formula.
- Using @IsResponseDoc in a replication formula causes all response documents in a database to replicate, not just those that meet the selection criteria. Use @AllChildren or @AllDescendants instead and make sure the database performance property "Don't support specialized response hierarchy" is not selected.
For more information on database performance properties, see Setting advanced database properties.
Replicate (Advanced panel)
About this task
Use this setting to control which non-document elements a replica receives. This table describes the Replicate options:
Replicate |
Default |
Description |
Forms, views, and so on |
Selected |
If selected, allows a replica to receive design changes, such as changes to forms, views, and folders from a source replica. If deselected, prevents a replica from receiving design changes. Alternatively, you can assign source servers Editor access or less in the ACL; however, doing so prevents agents from replicating. Don't select this option when you first create the replica because the new replica won't contain any design elements for displaying information. |
Agents |
Selected |
If selected, allows a replica to receive agents. If deselected, prevents the replica from receiving agents, although the replica still receives changes made by the agents. |
Replication formula |
Not selected |
If selected, ensures that replication settings specified for multiple destination replicas from one source replica can replicate. This option is required if you're using a central source replica to manage replication settings for multiple replicas. |
Access control list |
Selected |
If selected, allows the replica to receive ACL changes from any server that has Manager access in the replica's ACL. |
Deletions |
Selected |
If selected, allows the replica to receive document deletions. If deselected, the replica won't receive deletions through replication, but users assigned "Delete documents" access in the replica ACL can still delete documents from the replica. Note: If "Do not send deletions made in this
replica to other replicas" (on the Send panel of the Replication Settings
dialog box) is selected for the source replica, this replica won't
receive deletions from the source replica, regardless of this setting. |
Fields |
Not selected |
If deselected, the replica receives all fields in each document received. If selected, you select a subset of fields to receive, but you should only do this if you have a thorough knowledge of application design. If you're replicating a Domino® Directory, you can also choose among minimal Address Book options. These options provide a way for mobile users to replicate a small version of a Domino® Directory locally. The minimal Address Book options are also available in the Space Savers panel. Note that users can also use a mobile directory catalog to have local access to names in a Domino® Directory. |
For information on the minimal Address Book options, see Notes® Help.
For information on directory catalogs, see Domino® Administrator Help.