User types in the ACL

About this task

A user type identifies whether a name in the ACL is for a person, server, or group. When you assign a user type to a name, you specify the type of ID required for accessing the database with that name. The user types are Person, Server, Mixed Group, Person Group, Server Group, and Unspecified. The -Default- group in the ACL is always assigned Unspecified as the user type.

User types provide additional security for a database. For example, assigning the Person user type to a name other than '"unspecified" prevents an unauthorized user from creating a Group document with the same person name, adding his or her name to the group, and then accessing the database through the group name.

Designating a name as a Server or Server Group prevents a user from using the server ID at a workstation to access a database on the server. Be aware, though, that designating a name as a Server or Server Group is not a foolproof security method. It is possible for a user to create an add-in program that acts like a server and uses a server ID to access the server database from a workstation.

Instead of manually assigning a user type to each name, you can automatically assign a user type to all unassigned names in the ACL. The user type assigned to each name is determined by the Domino® Directory entry for that name. Using this method, a group is always designated as Mixed Group, and not as a Person Group or a Server Group. To assign a Person Group or Server Group to a name, you must select the name and manually assign that user type.

To manually assign a user type to a name


  1. Make sure that you have Manager access in the database ACL.
  2. Select the database icon from your Bookmarks pane.
  3. Choose File - Database - Access Control.
  4. Select a name to which you want to assign a user type.
  5. Select a user type and click OK.

To automatically assign user types to unspecified users


  1. Make sure that you have Manager access in the database ACL.
  2. Select the database icon from your Bookmarks pane.
  3. Choose File - Database - Access Control.
  4. Click the Advanced icon.
  5. Click "Look Up User Types for 'Unspecified' Users."
  6. Click OK.