Using comments API for third-party integration
If you have already applied HCL Docs 2.0 CR2 or later versions, in third-party integrations, you can implement two RESTful APIs to enable the HCL Docs comments service. The REST endpoint is able to be configured in the Docs configuration file concord-config.json.
About this task
HCL Docs supports the integration with third-party repositories with many security authentication strategies. If Cookies is used to authenticate during the integration, REST API cannot be cross-domain.
When users type @ in a Docs comment or reply, the mention widget will
list all available users fetched from the third party by the REST API. The REST API is similar to:
GET http(s)://domain/api/comment/{fileid}/getCommentUserList
- Docs client invokes the REST API so as to get all users with Edit privilege.
- The response of this REST API returns the following sample data, which includes the userid,
member(user's email), and name(user's displaying
{"items": [{ "userid": "20883125", "member":"", "name":"Test1" }, { "userid":"20883126", "member":"", "name":"Test2" } ] }
- Only editors are able to co-edit a Docs file and only the owner of the Docs file has the privilege to share the edit privilege to other co-editors. Therefore, you cannot expect to list users without Edit privilege first and then share Edit privilege and mention them.
When creating a comment, adding a reply to a comment or mention users in a comment or reply,
Docs needs to notify the third party of the change. Following is the sample REST API for this
POST http(s)://domain/api/mention
- Docs client invokes dojo.xhrPost to send the data to the Third Party. Following is the sample
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ var idArray = new Array(); for(var i=0;i< mentions.length; i++){ var id = mentions[i]; idArray.push(id); } if(idArray.length == 0 ) return; var url = getMentionUri(); var response,ioArgs; var link = window.location.href; var sData = dojo.toJson({ "type":["create"|"reply"], "author": userid, //who makes this action "mentionList": [id1, id2,id3], //[option]; only for mention "owner": who creates this comment // it will be identical to 'author' when//type is create "link": link, //url link "fileid": uri, // file id "filename": title, // file's title "content": content // comment content or reply content "commentsid": comments id // the uuid of this comments }); dojo.xhrPost({ url: url, handleAs: "json", handle: function(r, io) {response = r; ioArgs = io;}, sync: false, contentType: "text/plain", postData: sData }); }), 500);
- The detailed descriptions are:
- type
- There are two kinds of types. One is comment and another is reply.
- author
- The user's id who mentions others in a comment or reply.
- mentionlist
- All id information of mentioned users in a comment or a reply. It is an id's array.
- owner
- The author of the current comment. If the type's value is "comment", the author's value is the same as the owner's.
- link
- The URL of the current Docs file.
- fileid
- The id of the current Docs file.
- filename
- The title information of the current Docs file.
- content
- The content of the comment or reply.
- commentsid
- The unique id of the comment.
- Docs client invokes dojo.xhrPost to send the data to the Third Party. Following is the sample
How to configure REST endpoint in concord-config.json:
"ExternalCommentService": { "enabled": "true",//enable the configuration "apiConfig": { "MentionUsersUri":"/api/comment/{fileid}/getCommentUserList", "MentionNotificationUri":"/api/mention" } },
Note: The value of MentionUsersUri must contain /{fileid}/.