This glossary provides terms and definitions for the [product name] software and products.
The following cross-references
are used in this glossary:
- See refers you from a nonpreferred term to the preferred term or from an abbreviation to the spelled-out form.
- See also refers you to a related or contrasting term.
For other terms and definitions, see the IBM Terminology website (opens in new window).
- access level
- A level that indicates the actions a user is authorized to perform.
- application
- One or more computer programs or software components that provide a function in direct support of a specific business process or processes.
- area
- The cell range to be used or referenced. Areas are the container for data.
- argument
- A value passed to or returned from a function or procedure at run time.
- array
- A linked range of cells on a spreadsheet containing values. For example, a range of 3 rows and 3 columns is a 3 x 3 array.
- array formula
- A formula that performs multiple calculations on one or more sets of values, and then returns either a single result or multiple results.
- auto-publish
- In Connections Docs, a feature that, when enabled, makes files available to persons who have only reader access, every time the user closes the document. During a simultaneous group editing session, the file is published after the last co-editor closes the document. See also publish.
- clipboard
- An area of computer memory, or storage, that temporarily holds data. Data in the clipboard is available to other applications.
- co-edit
- To collaborate on a single file with one or more other people. Updates to the file are made at the time that people make the edits, whether at the same time or different times.
- community
- An online resource where groups of people with a common interest can interact with each other.
- CSV file
- A text file that contains comma-separated values. A CSV file is commonly used to exchange files between database systems and applications that use different formats.
- editor access
- In Connections Files, an access level that allows a user to read, edit, comment on, download, recommend, upload a new version of, and set properties on the file. A user with this access can be notified of changes to the file, share it, add the file to a folder of theirs or to a folder they have Contributor access to. Editors can lock files, but can unlock a file only if they locked it.
- file conflict
- A situation in which one or more people are working on a file at the same time and saved versions of the file get out of sync. Locking a file when editing it can prevent file conflicts.
- formula
- An expression that has program-like attributes; for example, a formula can be used to assign values to variables and use a limited control logic.
- freeze area
- In a spreadsheet that is very long or wide, an area of rows or columns that can be frozen, such as table headers or other contents, to make them visible on the screen all of the time.
- function
- A built-in formula that performs specialized calculations automatically.
- icon
- A graphic symbol, displayed on a screen, that a user can click with a device such as a mouse in order to select a particular function or software application.
- import
- To bring information from one system or program into another.
- keyword
- A word that is used to conduct searching operations.
- master
- A slide view or page on which formatting for all slides or pages in a presentation is defined.
- master style
- A style that defines the layout and common elements for a master.
- mention
- In social media, a reference to another user that provides a link to that user's profile as well as sending them a notification of the mention. For example, in Twitter, members can use the "@" sign in conjunction with someone's user name to mention them.
- owner
- The user who has the highest level of access authority to a data object or action, as defined by the object or action; usually the creator of the object.
- parameter (parm)
- A value or reference passed to a function, command, or program that serves as input or controls actions. The value is supplied by a user or by another program or process.
- parm
- See parameter.
- publish
- In Connections Docs, to make files available to persons who have only reader access, not editing access. See also auto-publish.
- range
- In a spreadsheet, the scope that contains one cell or multiple cells.
- reader access
- In Connections Files, an access level that allows a user to read, comment on, download, and recommend a file. A user with this access cannot upload new versions of the file.
- real time
- The processing of information that returns a result so rapidly that the interaction appears to be instantaneous.
- reference
- In a spreadsheet, the coordinates of a cell, usually in column-row format, but can also contain a reference to a sheet within the spreadsheet, for example, A3, or Sheet1.A3
- search
- To request the display of objects that meet user-specified criteria.
- sheet
- A page in a spreadsheet.
- speaker notes
- A view in which notes for each slide in a presentation can be added or edited.
- style
- A set of formatting characteristics that can be applied to text, tables, and lists in a document to change their appearance.
- syntax
- The rules for the construction of a command or statement.
- team-based editing
- The process of editing a file with a group of people.
- version
- A backup copy of a file stored in server storage. The most recent backup copy of a file is the active version. Earlier copies of the same file are inactive versions. The number of versions retained by the server is determined by the copy group attributes in the management class.
- wildcard
- A character that will match any character or sequence of characters in a search.