Installing only Viewer using the installer
To install only Viewer, run the IBM Installation Manager installation program on the system where the WebSphere Application Server is installed. Connections must be started before installing Viewer.
Before you begin
Ensure that you complete all the prerequisite tasks that are relevant for your environment. For more information, see Pre-installation tasks.
- Start the IBM WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager.
- Select any federated node of the topology, and copy and
extract the DOCS_INSTALLPKG_FILENAME .zip file,
for example, to
it. This file contains the installation packages for all the HCL Docs components,
including the Conversion server, Docs server, File Viewer server,
Proxy server, and HCL Docs extensions.)
Running the installation program only once on the selected node can
deploy all the nodes.Note: After the node is selected, you cannot run the installation program on any other federated node, and the deployed HCL Docs components can only be uninstalled or upgraded from the same node.
- When IBM Installation Manager is running, click HCL Docs, and click OK., add the repository configuration file for
- Click Install and in the Select
packages to install window, select the package for HCL Docs and click Next.
- Accept the default setting for Show all versions.
- Click Check for Other Versions and Extensions to search for updates to IBM Installation Manager.
- Review and accept the license agreement by clicking I accept the terms in the license agreements. Click Next.
- Select Use the existing package group or Create
a new package group.Note: If you are using the installation program for the first time, the Use the existing package group option is not available.
- Specify the location of the installation directory for HCL Docs Viewer only.
You can accept the default directory location, enter a new directory
name, or click Browse to select an existing
directory. Click Next.Note: The path only can consist of letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and an underscore (_).
- Select Connections as the product
to be integrated with. In addition, select Document Format
Conversion Application, Viewer Application,
and Viewer Extension, and then click Next.
- Confirm that you have completed all planning activities and pre-installation tasks and click Next.
- Enter the details of your WebSphere Information:
- Configure WebSphere Application Server nodes for the HCL Docs Viewer-only
components.Note: You have two options to identity a web server. The installer will detect IBM HTTP Servers managed by the Deployment Manager, you can select one of them. The installer will extract URL of the IBM HTTP Servers as web server URL. You can also input a web server URL directly. Many of the followed URLs, such as Editor Application URL, will be automatically generated based on the web server URL.
- Click Validate to verify that the identified nodes are correct. When the verification test is successful, click Next.
- Configure server enrollment for each HCL Docs Viewer-only
component. Note: The Enable sudo option must be enabled if Linux non root account is used to deploy HCL Docs components on Linux servers.
- Validate credentials and then click Next.
- Complete the configuration for each property in the remaining
panels and click Install.Note:
- In the Conversion Cluster panel, if the deployment is in the nonAdmin mode, the installation location of the Conversion server must be configured with the home directory of the non-admin account, such as C:\Users\non-admin-account\IBM\ConnectionsDocs\Conversion.
- If the deployment is in the nonAdmin mode,
in the Configurations Generation panel, you must
add the actual http port to the URLs for
in the Conversion and, files_url, and conversion_url in the Viewer, because the default port is 80, and to non-admin users, the port is a customized one. - In the Client-side mount points panel, when you specify the values for the mount points, refer to the diagrams in HCL Docs shared storage overview and requirements for mount point configuration details.
To confirm that the installation was successful, open the log files in the logs directory, which is in the HCL Docs installation directory, for example, C:\IBM\ConnectionsDocs\Docs\logs.
If an error occurs during installation, IBM Installation Manager cancels the installation program and rolls back the installation files. Installation errors are usually caused by environment problems such as insufficient disk space, privilege issues, or corruption of a WebSphere profile. If your installation is canceled, complete the following steps:
- Check the IBM Installation Manager logs for more details. Then identify and resolve the error that caused the cancellation.
- Start the installation task again.
- Linux: /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs
- Windows: C:\IBM\ConnectionsDocs\Viewer\logs