Installing the first Conversion node or single server
Install the first conversion node or single server.
Extract the installation files
- Log in to the server that will host the Conversion server using an administrative account.
- Extract the native/ to C:\install\Docs\DocsConversion(Windows) or /opt/install/Docs/DocsConversion(Linux).
Configure the file
- Windows: C:\install\Docs\DocsConversion\installer\ and C:\install\Docs\DocsConversion\installer\
- Linux: /opt/install/Docs/DocsConversion/installer/ and /opt/install/Docs/DocsConversion/installer/
- Using Windows Explorer, open the following file in a text
- Modify parameters in the file. The following tables provide examples for three scenarios: Use
the table that applies to your deployment.Note: You can review the file parameter description within the file for each of these fields. The values in the table are for typical deployments. For other types of configurations, for example, if you are setting up a server instead of a cluster, review the other options in the files.
Table 1. File parameters, NFS scenarioThis table provides suggested default values in an environment where Docs Data and Viewer Data are both accessed using NFS. Field Value Scenario conversion_install_root ConversionCluster_INSTALLPATH, for example, C:\IBM\IBMConversion(Windows), /opt/IBM/IBMConversion(Linux) docs_shared_storage_type* nfs viewer_shared_storage_type† nfs docs_shared_storage_local_path* NFSCLIENT_DOCSDATA_WINDOWS, for example, W:(Windows) or /opt/IBM/docs_shared_data(Linux) docs_shared_storage_remote_server* NFS_SERVERHOST, for example, docs_shared_storage_remote_path* NFS_MOUNTPOINT_DOCSDATA, for example, /nfs/docs_data viewer_shared_storage_local_path† NFSCLIENT_VIEWERDATA_WINDOWS, for example, Y:(Windows) or /opt/IBM/viewer_shared_data(Linux) viewer_shared_storage_remote_server† NFS_SERVERHOST, for example, viewer_shared_storage_remote_path† NFS_MOUNTPOINT_VIEWERDATA, for example, /nfs/viewer_data was_install_root The path of WebSphere Application Server profile used on this server, for example, C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01 (Windows) or /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01 (Linux) was_soap_port 8879 scope Cluster scope_name IBMConversionCluster node_name <Leave blank because using clusters> sym_count 4 sym_start_port 8100 software_mode Premise non_job_mgr_mode The default value is False. You must change it to True. viewer_url https://localhost:9043/viewer Note: Make sure that the url can be accessed from Document Format Conversion server.Note:- In the preceding all-NFS scenario, Docs Data and Viewer Data are accessed using NFS on NFS server Docs Data is exported as /nfs/docs_data. Viewer Data is exported as /nfs/viewer_data. On Windows, Docs Data and Viewer Data are mounted by a scheduled task at startup as local drives w: and y: respectively. On Linux, Docs Data and Viewer Data are configured in /etc/fstab and will be mounted when OS startup.
- When using docs_data_shared_storage_type of nfs, docs_shared_storage_remote_server defines the remote shared storage server (NFS) host name, docs_shared_storage_remote_path defines the exported path on the NFS server, and docs_shared_storage_local_path defines the local drive name upon which the remote path has been mounted. See the topic HCL Docs Shared Storage Servers for details on the server and client configuration parameters. Additionally, this shared storage needs to be mounted prior to the start of the Conversion server. See the topic Mounting the NFS share on a Windows server for instructions on how to do this.
- When using viewer_data_shared_storage_type of nfs, viewer_shared_storage_remote_server defines the remote shared storage (NFS) server host name, viewer_shared_storage_remote_path defines the exported path on the NFS server, and viewer_shared_storage_local_path defines the local drive name upon which the remote path has been mounted. See the topic HCL Docs Shared Storage Servers for details on the server and client configuration parameters. Additionally, this shared storage needs to be mounted prior to the start of the Conversion server. See the topic Mounting the NFS share on a Windows server for instructions on how to do this.
Table 2. File parameters, scenario including CIFSThis table provides suggested default values in an environment where Docs Data is accessed using NFS and Viewer Data is accessed using CIFS on a Windows file share. Field Value docs_shared_storage_type nfs viewer_shared_storage_type* cifs docs_shared_storage_local_path W:(Windows) or /opt/IBM/docs_shared_data(Linux) docs_shared_storage_remote_server docs_shared_storage_remote_path /nfs/docs_data viewer_shared_storage_local_path* Y:(Windows) or /opt/IBM/viewer_shared_data(Linux) viewer_shared_storage_remote_server* viewer_shared_storage_remote_path* viewer_data Notes:
In the scenario including CIFS, Docs Data is accessed using NFS on NFS server Viewer Data is accessed using CIFS on a Windows file share on Docs Data is exported as /nfs/docs_data. Viewer Data is shared as viewer_data. On Windows, Docs Data and Viewer Data are mounted by a scheduled task at startup as local drives w: and y: respectively. On Linux, Docs Data and Viewer Data are configured in /etc/fstab and will be mounted when OS startup.
When using viewer_data_shared_storage_type of cifs, viewer_shared_storage_remote_server defines the remote shared storage (CIFS/SMB) server host name, viewer_shared_storage_remote_path defines the exported path on the CIFS server, and viewer_shared_storage_local_path defines the local drive name upon which the remote path has been mounted. See the topic HCL Docs Shared Storage Servers for details on the server and client configuration parameters. Additionally, this shared storage needs to be mounted prior to the start of the Conversion server. See the topic Mounting the CIFS share on a Windows server for instructions on how to do this.
Table 3. File parameters, scenario including LocalThis table provides suggested default values in an environment where Docs Data is accessed using NFS and Viewer Data is accessed locally. Field Value docs_shared_storage_type nfs viewer_shared_storage_type* local docs_shared_storage_remote_server docs_shared_storage_remote_path /nfs/docs_data viewer_shared_storage_local_path* C:\viewer_data viewer_shared_storage_remote_server* <Leave blank because using local> viewer_shared_storage_remote_path* <Leave blank because using local> Notes:
In this scenario including local storage, Docs Data is accessed using NFS on NFS server Viewer Data is accessed locally using local path C:\viewer_data since Viewer and Conversion are deployed on the same node. Docs Data is exported as /nfs/docs_data. Docs Data is mounted by a scheduled task at startup as local drive w:
If you deploy Conversion and Viewer on the same node and only a single instance of each, you have the option of using viewer_data_shared_storage_type of local. In this scenario, viewer_shared_storage_remote_server and viewer_shared_storage_remote_path are ignored, and viewer_shared_storage_local_path defines the local path to be used for the shared storage. See the topic HCL Docs Shared Storage Servers for details on the server and client configuration parameters. Note however that this type of configuration doesn't support scaling without moving the shared storage to a remote server.
- Save the file and close the editor.
Configure the file
- Copy the content in file to the file to replace existing content.
- Open the file to modify
- Change conversion_install_root to the install directory on the Conversion node.
- Change was_install_root to the Websphere profile path used to install Conversion servers.
Run the installer
The docs_share and viewer_share must be available before running the installer.
- On Windows, open a DOS command prompt with administrator rights by clicking . On Linux, open a terminal window under the root account.
- Navigate to the path:
- C:\install\Docs\DocsConversion\installer(Windows)
- Run the following
- A License agreement is displayed. If you accept the agreement, press the "a" key and then press Enter.
- When prompted, enter your WebSphere Application Server credentials.
Table 4. WebSphere Application Server credentialsThis table provides suggested default values for WebSphere Application Server credentials. Field Value WAS Administrative Username WASADMIN_USERNAME, for example, wasadmin WAS Administrator password WASADMIN_PASSWORD, for example, password - When the installation is finished, the command prompt is displayed. If an error occurred with the install process, the configuration is reverted. Correct the error and try again.
When the installation is finished, check the conversion_install.log and conversion_node_install.log files for errors and repeat this installation task if necessary. The log file is in the conversion_install_root/logs directory, where conversion_install_root is the value that you specified in the response file for the Conversion server installation directory.
On Windows, start Task Manager and verify that a number of soffice.bin processes are running.Note: It might take several minutes after the installation completes for these processes to show up.
On Linux, run
ps -ef|grep soffice.bin
to verify that a number of soffice.bin processes are running. - On Windows, check the Task Scheduler to verify that the kill-timeout and sym-monitor tasks are
active (you see windows pop up when these scheduled tasks are executed). On Linux, use
crontab -l
to verify that the kill-timeout and sym-monitor tasks are active. - Verify that you can get the version of the installed Conversion component: for example,