Installing the IBM® Installation Manager 1.7.3
The IBM® Installation Manager is used to install WebSphere® Application Server and the corresponding fix packs.
The following steps guide you through the process of downloading and installing the IBM® Installation Manager 1.7.3. Make sure you download the 32-bit version; the 64-bit version is not compatible with IBM® Connections at this time.
Perform the appropriate procedures on each server that will host WebSphere® Application Server 8.0. These servers are listed in the WebSphere® Application Server 8.0 Infrastructure Worksheet, in the Planning section of this guide.
Download the Installation Manager Package (Linux™)
- Open the following page in a web browser:
- Under the Download packages section, locate the IBM® Fix Central link corresponding to agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86 and click on it.
- At the Select fixes page, confirm that the package name is IBM Installation Manager 1.7.3 Install Kit for Linux x86.
- Click Continue.
- Sign in with your IBM® ID and follow the instructions to download the package.
- After downloading the package, copy it to the /opt/install/IM directory on the server.
Install the Installation Manager Package (Linux™)
- On the server, log in as the root user.
- Open a terminal window and navigate to /opt/install/IM.
- Extract the package.Note: The file name might vary depending on the version downloaded.
- Execute the following command to launch the installer:
- At the Select packages to install screen, ensure that the following package is selected: IBM Installation Manager, version 1.7.3
- Click Next.
- At the license agreement page, review the license agreement and select the following option: I accept the terms in the license agreement.
- Click Next.
- At the Select a location for the Installation
Manager screen, specify the following parameters:
Table 1. Parameters Field Value Installation Manager Directory /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse - Click Next.
- At the Review the Summary information screen, click Install.
- When the installation is finished, you see a message stating that the packages that are installed. Leave the IBM® Installation Manager window open.
Download the Installation Manager Package (Windows™)
- Open the following page in a web browser:
- Under the Download packages section, locate the IBM® Fix Central link corresponding to agent.installer.win32.win32.x86 and click on it.
- At the Select fixes page, confirm that the package name is IBM Installation Manager 1.7.3 Install Kit for Windows.
- Click Continue.
- Sign in with your IBM® ID and follow the instructions to download the package.
- After downloading the package, copy it to the C:\install\IM directory on the server.
Install the Installation Manager Package (Windows™)
- On the server, log in as the root user.
- Open a terminal window and navigate to C:\install\IM.
- Right-click the package file and extract to C:\install\IM
- Right-click install.exe and select Run as administrator to launch the installer.
- At the Select packages to install screen, ensure that the following package is selected: IBM Installation Manager, version 1.6.3.
- Click Next.
- On the license agreement page, review the license agreement and select the following option: I accept the terms in the license agreement.
- Click Next.
- On the Select a location for the Installation
Managerscreen, specify the following parameters:
Table 2. Parameters Field Value Installation Manager Directory C:\IBM\InstallationManager\eclipse - Click Next.
- On the Review the Summary information screen, click Install.
- When the installation is finished, you see a message stating that the packages are installed.
- Click Restart installation manager and minimize the Installation Manager.