Creating Document Format Conversion Cluster
- Log into the IBM® Integrated Solutions Console: is the Deployment Manager server.
- Navigate to .
- Click on New.
- At Step 1, enter the following information:
Table 1. Cluster name parameterThis table provides suggested default value for cluster name. Field Value Cluster name IBMConversionCluster Note: Use this default value and do not change it. - Click Next.
- At Step 2, enter the following information:
Table 2. Member parametersThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to member. Field Value Member Name , IBMConversionMember1 Node ConversionCluster_NODENAME_1, for example, DocsWin01 Select Basis for first cluster member Create the member using an application server template. default - Click Next.
- At Step 3, if additional server instances
are needed, specify the member name and node then click Add
Member. Refer to the Conversion cluster Server table for
list of all the servers and nodes which will be part of the cluster.
Table 3. Member parametersThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to member. Field Value Member Name IBMConversionMember2 Node ConversionCluster_NODENAME_2, for example, DocsWin02 Select Basis for first cluster member Create the member using an application server template. default - Click Next.
- At Step 4, review the summary information. Click Finish.
- Save the changes to the master configuration.