Installing and configuring the WebSphere Application Server
You must install IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment (Application Server option) for each of these servers: the HCL Docs application server, the HCL Docs proxy, the Conversion server, and the File Viewer server.
- In the IBM Installation manager, navigate to .
- Click Repositories.
- In the main window, click the Add Repositories button.
- In the Add Repositories window, specify
the following Repository path:
- Linux:
- /opt/install/WAS/repository.config
- /opt/install/WASFP/repository.config
- Windows:
- C:\install\WAS\repository.config
- C:\install\WASFP\repository.config
- Linux:
- Click OK.
- Click OK again to File out of the Preferences window.
- At the IBM Installation Manager screen, click Install.
- At the Select packages to install screen
ensure the following packages are selected:
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version
- Click Next.
- Select the license agreement checkbox.
- At the Select a location for the shared resources
directory screen, specify the following parameters:
Table 1. ParametersThis table provides suggested default values for shared resources directory. Field Value Shared Resources Directory - Linux: /opt/IBM/IMShared
- Windows: C:\IBM\IMShared
- Click Next.
- At the Package Group screen, select the option Create a new package group.
- In the field, specify the following parameters:
Table 2. ParametersThis table provides suggested default values for Installation Directory. Field Value Installation Directory - Linux:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
- Windows: C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
- Click Next.
- At the Select the translations to install screen, ensure English is selected. Click Next.
- At the Select features to install screen
ensure the following packages are selected.
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
- EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules
- Stand-alone thin clients, resource adapters and embeddable containers
- Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters
- Embeddable EJB container
- IBM Software Development Kit
- IBM 64-bit SDK for Java, Version 6
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
- Click Next.
- At the Review the Summary information screen, click Install.
- When the installer is finished, a message stating The packages are installed will appear.
- In the pane Which program do you want to start?,
- Profile Management Tool to create a profile.
- Click Finish. This will launch the WebSphere Customization Toolbox.
- Do not close the installer window.Note:
- If you have the out of memory issue when installing HCL Docs, you must increase the JVM heap size of Deployment Manager to a bigger value than default value.
- The installation scripts use wsadmin scripting to configure the
WebSphere hosting HCL Docs applications.
To prevent parameters or arguments passed to wsadmin output to STDOUT
or to a wsadmin log file, you must set property
in profile_root/properties/ to false. - If you have more than 6 Conversion or Docs servers in your environment, increase the Deployment Manager jvm heap size to be more than 2048.