Creating the entity type | HCL Digital Experience
If an entity type exists within HCL Digital Experience but not within your LDAP user registry, create the entity type within your LDAP user registry. Then, add the relative distinguished name (RDN) to the entity type to map it between HCL Portal and your LDAP user registry.
Before you begin
- Open a UNIX System Services (z/OS
UNIX System Services) command prompt.Note: If you are instructed to open a properties file, they are ASCII files. Open them with the appropriate tool.
- Open a command prompt.
- Change to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine directory.
- Optional: Run the following task to list the
names and types of configured repositories:
- AIX® HP-UX Linux™ Solaris: ./ wp-query-repository -DWasPassword=password
- IBM® i: wp-query-repository -DWasPassword=password
- Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat wp-query-repository -DWasPassword=password
- z/OS®: ./ wp-query-repository -DWasPassword=password
- Go to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties directory.
- Open the file with a text editor.
- Enter the following parameters under
the VMM LDAP entity type configuration heading:
Note: Go to the properties file for specific information about the parameters.
- et.entityTypeName
- et.objectClass
- et.searchFilter
- et.objectClassesForCreate
- et.searchBases
- Save your changes to the file.
- Run the following task to update a realm configuration:
- AIX® HP-UX Linux™ Solaris: ./ wp-update-realm -DWasPassword=password
- IBM® i: wp-update-realm -DWasPassword=password
- Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat wp-update-realm -DWasPassword=password
- z/OS®: ./ wp-update-realm -DWasPassword=password
- Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes. For instructions, go to Starting and stopping servers, deployment managers, and node agents.
- Open the file.
- Enter a value for the following parameters
under the VMM LDAP entity type configuration heading:
- et.entityTypeName
- et.objectClass
- et.searchFilter
- et.objectClassesForCreate
- et.searchBases
- et.rdnName
- Save your changes to the file.
- Run the following task to add an LDAP entity type with
a relative distinguished name (DN):
- AIX® HP-UX Linux™ Solaris: ./ wp-add-ldap-entitytype-rdn -DWasPassword=password
- IBM® i: wp-add-ldap-entitytype-rdn -DWasPassword=password
- Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat wp-add-ldap-entitytype-rdn -DWasPassword=password
- z/OS®: ./ wp-add-ldap-entitytype-rdn -DWasPassword=password
- Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes.