Configuring the HCL Connections repository for VMM | HCL Digital Experience
Configure the HCL Connections repository for the Virtual Member manager (VMM) so that you can integrate communities with Portal security.
Before you begin
- Configure VMM.Note:
- All of the required and optional parameters for the installation script are described in the topic Installation Options.
- If you use Microsoft™ Active Directory, HCL Domino Server, or Novell Directory Services, make sure that you define the -DICpersonCorrelationAttributeSyntax attribute as described in the topic Installation Options.
- If you do not use IBM® Directory Server, then set the -DICldapTypeTDS flag to false.
- Follow the pattern from Step 3 for running the ConfigEngine
command for your operating system: AIX®, Linux, or™ Solaris:
./ <parameters>
Windows™:ConfigEngine.bat <parameters>
- If you are installing in a clustered environment, do this step on the primary node and then synchronize the nodes.
Configure, following this pattern: ConfigEngine configure-SNPortletsVMM -DICpersonCorrelationAttribute=personCorrelationAttribute -DICpersonCorrelationAttributeType=personCorrelationAttributeType -DICcommunityRdnAttribute=communityRdnAttribute -DICmaxSearchResults=120 -DICldapTypeTDS=ldapTypeTDS -DICrunAsAdmin=false -DICpumaFilterPosition=120 -DWasPassword=password -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DPortalAdminPwd=password
For example: ConfigEngine configure-SNPortletsVMM -DICpersonCorrelationAttribute=ibm-entryUuid -DICpersonCorrelationAttributeType=uniqueId -DICcommunityRdnAttribute=cn -DICmaxSearchResults=120 -DICldapTypeTDS=true -DICrunAsAdmin=false -DICpumaFilterPosition=120 -DWasPassword=password -DPortalAdminPwd=password
- Configure the VMM Repository.Note:
- All of the required and optional parameters for the installation script are described in the topic Installation Options.
- Follow the pattern from Step 3 for running the ConfigEngine command for your operating system.
- You must stop the HCL Portal server before you run the following command; otherwise, the command script fails.
- If you are installing in a clustered environment, do this step on the primary node and then synchronize the nodes.
ConfigEngine wp-create-cur -DWasPassword=[was-admin-pwd] -Dfederated.cur.isExtIdUnique=true -Dfederated.cur.supportExternalName=false -Dfederated.cur.supportPaging=false -Dfederated.cur.supportSorting=false -Dfederated.cur.supportTransactions=false -Dfederated.cur.baseDN=o=connections
Attention: If you are reinstalling the portlets after you remove them using the steps in Removing the HCL Connections portlets, you must make sure that the VMM repository does not exist.- Log in to the WebSphere® Administrative Server console.
- In the section look for a Connections repository. If one exists, delete it.
- Update the Repository Group Repository Relationship
- All of the required and optional parameters for the installation script are described in the topic Installation Options
- Follow the pattern from Step 3 for running the ConfigEngine command for your operating system.
- You must stop the HCL Portal server before you run the following command; otherwise, the command script fails.
- If you are installing in a clustered environment, do this step on the primary node and then synchronize the nodes.
Repeat for every LDAP repository that is configured in Federated Repositories for WebSphere® Application Server.ConfigEngine wp-update-group-repository-relationship -DWasPassword=password -Drepository.forgroups=connections
- If you are installing in a clustered environment, resynchronize the nodes.