Installing on Kubernetes
You can install HCL™ Accelerate on Kubernetes cluster.
Before you begin
- Docker installed on the host system. Note: If you use Docker for Windows, make sure Docker is using Linux-type containers. HCL™ Accelerate does not support Windows-type containers.
- Internet connection. During installation, files and container
images are retrieved from remote locations. If you are unable to
access the internet during installation, you can download the
files beforehand and perform an offline installation.
HCL™ Accelerate supports the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and
Edge.Note: These steps are only required if users are using the online installer to push images to an offline docker registry:
command to pull the container images from public repository.$ docker pull public repo
command to tag the public and private repository.$ docker tag public repo private repo
command to push container images to private repository.$ docker push private repo
All the container images are retrieved from public to private repository.
In addition to the requirements for all installation scenarios, the following items are required for Kubernetes or Minikube installation:
- If you want to use Minikube, it must be installed onto a hypervisor appropriate for your operating system. On Linux you might use Oracle Virtual Box; on Windows you might use Hyper-V.
- The CLI that is used for both Minikube and Kubernetes, Kubectl, installed and configured.
- Helm v2.6.0 or later. Helm is the Kubernetes package manager. Helm uses charts to manage Kubernetes resources, such as those that comprise HCL™ Accelerate.
- For Minikube, add the Minikube IP address to your hosts file and assign a host name to it. Kubernetes requires a host name rather than a simple IP address. On Linux, the file location is etc/hosts; on Windows, the location is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
About this task
The product installation requires an existing MongoDB database for data persistence. With the database, running the HCL™ Accelerate installer produces a Helm chart that is applied to the Kubernetes environment and instantiate the Kubernetes resources that comprise HCL™ Accelerate.
Additionally, you can configure an SSL certificate. If using Minikube, you also need to configure Ingress.
To modify default parameters, installation options are configured with the --set
Helm syntax when creating the Helm release. Optionally, the
file is edited on the extracted Helm chart. Some options are not
exposed as Helm values and must be modified on the Kubernetes resources either by modifying the
extracted Helm chart templates, or patching them after the Helm release is created. For example, to
configure the ephemeral Argo pods for running integrations, you modify the
ConfigMap in the
.../templates/configmap-workflow-controller.yaml file.
. If you do not have access, consult your
Kubernetes administrator.Procedure
If you do not have a MongoDB database installed, install one now. Follow the instructions at
the MongoDB GitHub repository.
Below is a sample command for installing the MongoDB version 4.0:
helm install accelerate-mongo \ --set persistence.enabled=false \ --set image.tag=4.0 \ bitnami/mongodb
Note: To install MongoDB version 4.2, change the--set image.tag=4.2
Note: If Helm cannot find the chart, try running the following command:helm repo add bitnami
. If your organization uses a different repository, substitute it forbitnami/mongodb
.To verify the installation, you can use the following commands:helm list
helm status accelerate-mongo
To list all pods in the namespace, use the following command:
kubectl get pods
If password not specified during Helm install, use the command below to get the dynamically generated encrypted password.kubectl get secrets accelerate-mongo-mongodb -o yaml
Search for the field
in encrypted password.Use the command
echo -n "mongodb-root-password-value" | base64 --decode
to decrypt the encrypted password.Use decrypted password to connect the application.
Enable your ingress and ensure that it points to your host by completing these steps:
- Run the downloaded executable file.
Run the installation script and respond to the prompts as described in the following
When the script starts, you are prompted to accept the license. You can explicitly accept the license without viewing it by appending the following parameter to the command:
./<accelerate-installation-file> --license=accept
If using a custom SSL certificate, create an SSL certificate and key and store them in
an accelerate-custom-tls-secret.yaml file.
Note: If you are installing HCL™ Accelerate in an Amazon elastic Kubernetes service cluster, change the version of Kubernetes fromDetermine the configuration properties you can set for the helm install command with:
file.helm show values /my\_installation/version\_number/accelerate-version.tgz
The following code fragment displays a typical command:helm install accelerate \ ./accelerate-<version>-helm.tgz \ --set access.key=my_access_key \ --set license=accept \ --set url.domain=my_hostname \ --set mongo.url=mongodb://root:password@accelerate-mongo-mongodb:27017
Note: The unique nameaccelerate
identifies the installed Helm release.Properties depend on your environment. The following properties are required. The optional properties are given later.
- access.key
- The product access key obtained earlier.
- url.domain
The hostname of your node or the Ingress host name.Note: This must match the hostname specified in the installer.
- mongo.url
- The URL of the MongoDB. Specify the following parameters.
- username
- The user ID to authenticate with the MongoDB database. For example, mongo.
- password
- The associated password to authenticate with the MongoDB database. For example, mongo.
- authSource
- If you connect to an authenticated MongoDB database, you can use authSource to specify the database where authenticated users are defined. For example, if the admin user is defined in the admin database, you can use mongodb://root:password@accelerate-mongo-mongodb?authSource=admin.
- port
- The port number for the MongoDB database. Use the value shown in the example, which is 27017.
- service_name
- The MongoDB URL or the MongoDB service name if it is running within the Kubernetes cluster. For example, accelerate-mongo-mongodb.
- database_name
- The name of the database to be used by HCL™ Accelerate. For example, accelerate.
Note: If you used the install command in the previous step to install the MongoDB, use the following values for the mongo.url property.--set mongo.url=mongodb://mongo:mongo@accelerate-mongo-mongodb:27017
If you use the default Bitnami MongoDB, make sure to grant the MongoDB user full write privileges.
If using a custom SSL certificate, create a custom tls secret as detailed previously,
and add
--set secrets.tls=accelerate-custom-tls
to the Helm install command, whereaccelerate-custom-tls
should be replaced with the name of the secret containing the custom SSL certificate. - Optional:
If you need to enforce limits on Argo resources, modify the executor parameter in the
file.For example, to limit ephemeral Argo pods, you might use the following parameter values:... data: config: | containerRuntimeExecutor: kubelet namespace: accelerate executor: resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2Gi requests: cpu: 50m memory: 512Mi
Run the
helm install
command to install the HCL™ Accelerate images into your Kubernetes cluster.After you run the command, Kubernetes displays status information about the installation.Refer to the displayed NOTES section for the location of the Minikube administrator dashboard. You manage your Minikube installation on the admin dashboard.
What to do next
When all the containers have the status of running
, the installation is complete
and you can access
HCL™ Accelerate at the URL you specified in the helm chart. You can refresh the status display by using the
following kubectl command: kubectl get pods
. The default admin user name is
admin and the default password is what was specified in the installer.
are optional:ALL