Setting up the integration with Jenkins

You can run HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) tests and view the results. You must set up the integration with Jenkins by deploying the Integration Tester Jenkins Plugin on the Jenkins primary server.

Before you begin

  • Test Integrations and APIs or Test Integrations and APIs Agent must be installed on the computer where you installed the Jenkins secondary server.

  • If you are using Apache Ant to run your tests, you must have installed it on the same computer. It is not necessary to install Test Virtualization Control Panel on the same computer as the other software.

The computer that is running the Jenkins service must have the Test Integrations and APIs license key available to Jenkins. The license key is found at the following location:
  • Windows: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\HCL\hclproducts\licensing.
  • Linux: /var/lib/jenkins/HCL/hclproducts/licensing.

About this task

You can deploy the Integration Tester Jenkins Plugin to run the tests and integrate viewing of test results from Test Integrations and APIs in the Jenkins Job view.
Note: The test results viewer plugin in the HPI file can get a different name depending on the version of Test Virtualization Control Panel that is in use:
  • In 9.1.1 or earlier: RITPluginForJenkins-1.4.hpi.
  • In 9.1.1: IntegrationTesterPluginForJenkins-1.4.hpi.
  • or later: IntegrationTesterResultsPlugin-version.hpi, where version is the plugin version number. For example, 1.5.

The test execution plugin IntegrationTesterTestExecution-version.hpi is available in Test Virtualization Control Panel or later only. It requires Test Integrations and APIs or Test Integrations and APIs Agent or later.


  1. Download and extract the Integration Tester plugins for Jenkins package ( that is provided with Test Virtualization Control Panel. For more information on the tool package list, see DevOps Test Integrations and APIs tool packages.
  2. Copy the IntegrationTesterResultsPlugin-version.hpi file from the downloaded package to a temporary location on the computer where Jenkins is installed.

    For the exact file name, check Note.

  3. Open the Jenkins dashboard using a web browser and click Manage Jenkins.

    The Manage Jenkins page is displayed.

  4. Click Manage Plugins.
  5. Click the Advanced tab.
  6. Click the Choose File option under the Upload Plugin, navigate to the hpi file, and click Open.
  7. Click Upload.

    The plugin is installed.

  8. Select the Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running check box.

    Alternatively, restart Jenkins manually.

  9. Optional: After Jenkins restarts, verify that the plugin is installed by completing the following tasks:
    1. Click Manage Jenkins on the Jenkins dashboard.
    2. Click Manage Plugins on the Manage Jenkins page.
    3. Click the Installed tab.

      Under Name, an Integration Tester Results Plugin entry is displayed and under the Enabled option, a check box next to the name is selected.

  10. Repeat from Step 2 to Step 9 for the IntegrationTesterTestExecution-version.hpi file.
    Note: When you repeat Step 9, the name of the plugin to look for is Integration Tester Test Execution Plugin.


You installed the Integration Tester Jenkins Plugin on the Jenkins server.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following actions: