DevOps Test UI options

You use the Options page to customize various aspects of Test UI, such as settings for time options, highlighting, logging, the operating system, playing back, recording, and the development environment.

To display the Test UI Options page, from the Test UI menu, click Tools > Options and expand Functional Test in the left pane.

  • Editing the Test UI Options pages changes the current user profile only. It does not change settings for all users.
  • You can change the color settings of information in the Verification Point Editor, Verification Point Comparator, and Object Map. Test UI changes the color of elements in the editor. You can also change the fonts for information in the .NET IDE. The colors and fonts feature is useful for enhancing the accessibility for people who have physical challenges, such as restricted mobility or limited vision. For more information, see the Colors Page.
  • Some Test UI, VB.NET Scripting options and Test UI, Java Scripting preferences are shared by both IDEs. For example, if you turn a preference on or off in one IDE, the same behavior occurs in the other IDE.