Restricting the actions during recording and playback

You can restrict the recording of test scripts to capture only the actions that you perform on the StartApp application. Actions performed on other instances of the same application are ignored. The playback considers the actions performed only on the application that starts by using the StartApp command.

You can use the recording monitor or the startApp command in your test script to start an application. For example:
When you enable this restriction, you must consider the following points:
  • The recording captures the verification points and data-driven commands only on the application that starts through the recording monitor.
  • This restriction is not applied to browsers during playback.
To enable this feature in Test UI, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Click Window > Preferences > Functional Test.
  2. Select Limit Record/Playback to StartApp applications only.
  • When you play back a test script that starts with a Startapp application and an ObjectNotFound exception is displayed on the Playback Monitor, you can use Find the object from the Exceptions dialog to insert the object. If there are other instances of the start application that are running on your computer, the Object Finder selection tool highlights the objects only on that application that starts the test script.
  • If you remove the StartApp application from your test script, then the playback is not limited to the application that starts the test script.