Unifying two test objects

If an object in the application-under-test changes, a test object map may have two map objects that describe the same object. You can combine these objects into a single map object. When you unify two objects, Functional Test updates scripts.

About this task

You can modify recognition information for an outdated object by including the new, similar object in the test object map. After you add the newer object to the test object map, you can combine the outdated object (the source object) with the newer object (the target object) and unify their test object properties.


To combine (unify) two test objects in the map and update all scripts that reference the object:

  1. In the test object map, select the old object, click Test Object > Source Object to Unify Source Object to Unify.
  2. Now select the new object and click Test Object > Target Object to Unify Target Object to Unify. Test UI opens the Unify Test Objects dialog, which lists Recognition and Administrative Properties for the unified test object for both the source and the target objects.
  3. Make any necessary modifications to the Unified Test Object Properties. For example, to include any of the source test object properties in the unified test object properties, double-click the source property. You can also copy from the source or target to the unified test object properties.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To display the second page of the Unify Test Objects dialog and a list of all the scripts that reference the test object, which are affected by this change, click Next.
    • To delete the source object and change all references to the target object, click Finish.
    • To close the Unify Test Objects dialog without performing the associated updates, click Cancel.