Zoned character presentation

The Zoned value is a number that has a size, decimal place, pad, and sign properties.

Use the "Size (digits)" property to specify the size of the zoned number. The size of a zoned number can also be specified in terms of minimum and maximum. The minimum size must be less than or equal to the maximum size.

When the content size of a character-zoned number is used, the last digit and the sign are combined into the same digit but the content size does not include the initiator, terminator, release characters, or pad characters.

When the content size of a character-zoned number is important (for example, when the SIZE function is used on the character zoned number), the content size includes the sign but does not include the initiator, terminator, release characters, or pad characters.

Use the "Sign" property to define whether the zoned number will be signed. The default value is No.

The size of a zoned number is specified in terms of the minimum and maximum number of digits. If the size is specified with the Min and Max properties, the sign is not included.


Zoned Number Not Signed Signed Zoned Number
1230 123{
1231 123A
(Length = 4 digits) (Length = 4 digits)