The Version Tree Browser window

The window differs on Linux and the UNIX system and the Windows system.

The Version Tree Browser window consists of the following:

  • Menu bar
  • Toolbars
  • Version Tree Display
  • Status bar

The following toolbars are available (click Window > Toolbars):

Provides control of Version Tree display functions
Display Filter
Controls display of versions and version-related data
DevOps Code ClearCase® Function
Accesses checkin, checkout, and related functions
Visual Settings
Provides a zoom trackbar for the display

Place the cursor over a tool icon to display a ToolTip and, in the left-hand portion of the status bar, a brief description of the tool.

The Status bar provides information about the current display (click Window and set Status Bar).

Indicates the view from which you opened the element.

To the left of View is an area for status messages and ToolTips.

Indicates the number of versions your current selection of filters allows to be displayed. You can change your selection of filters by changing options on the View menu.
Indicates the number of branches your current selection of filters allows to be displayed.
Tip: If the window is too narrow, the status bar is truncated.