
The results display includes an Unloaded folder if any files or directories were removed from the view. A file can be removed from the view in any of the following situations:

  • You change the config spec.
  • Other changes in the VOB cause your config spec to no longer select the file or directory.

If a directory is unloaded, all of the view-private files and directories are copied into a directory titled unloaded-directory-element.unloaded.

Click the Unloaded folder to display the following columns in the right pane of the window:

Displays the subfolders or files in the folder that is selected in the left pane.
To display a shortcut menu of applicable DevOps Code ClearCase® operations, right-click a folder or file in the Name column.
Shows states for an unloaded directory or file. The following actions are possible when the Update Tool unloads a file:
The file was deleted from the view. (This is the default action.)
A hijacked file has been unloaded (because it is no longer specified by the load rules), but the options for handling hijacked files specify that it be left untouched.
A hijacked file has been unloaded (because it is no longer specified by the load rules), but the options for handling hijacked files specify that it be renamed with a .keep extension.
This indicates an error condition. For some reason (for example, problems with the network), the Update Tool cannot access the VOB to determine whether to unload the element.