Result summary

The Update Tool displays a result summary in the right pane. The summary has the following information.

Changed files
The number of times that the Update Tool replaced a version in the view with a version from the VOB.
Checked out files
The number of files checked out to the view.
The number of DevOps Code ClearCase® errors when updating elements.

The Update View window includes an Error folder, which lists the elements that generated errors and the DevOps Code ClearCase error messages.

Hijacked files
Shows the number of loaded file elements that have been modified but not checked out. The action taken by the Update Tool depends on the current set of update defaults.
New Files
The number of new elements that were loaded into the view.
No action was taken because the version in the view matches the version in the VOB.
Unloaded files
The number of times that the Update Tool removed the element from the view because it is no longer selected by the config spec.

If a directory is unloaded, all the view-private files and directories are copied into a directory titled unloaded-directory-element.unloaded.