Creating and using a test element
These commands create a test element that uses the new type manager, and tests the various data-manipulation methods:
- cd directory-in-test-VOB
- cleartool checkout –nc .
- (tests create_element method)
- cleartool mkelem –eltype manpage_test –nc –nco test.1
- (tests construct_version method)
- cleartool checkout –nc test.1
- vi test.1
- (edit checked-out version)
- cleartool checkin –c "first" test.1
- (tests create_ version method)
- cleartool checkout –nc test.1
- (tests construct_ version method)
- vi test.1
- (edit checked-out version)
- cleartool checkin –c "second" test.1
- (tests create_ version method)
- cleartool diff test.1@@/main/1 test.1@@/main/2
- (tests compare method)