Adding rich content pages to a community

Add rich content pages to your community so that you can share content such as images with community members.

Before you begin

You must be a community owner to add a rich content page to a community, and you must also be logged in to Communities. You can add multiple rich text pages to a community.

About this task

Community owners can add rich text pages to a community. Community members can view the contents of rich text pages.


To add a rich content page to your community, complete the following steps.
  1. From the community's Overview page, select Community Actions > Add Apps.
    Note: You must be logged in to a community to access the Community Actions menu.
  2. Click Rich Content, then click close.
    Note: You can add multiple rich content pages to your community. Each new page appears beneath the previously added page.
  3. On the community overview page, click Add Content and start adding rich content to the page.
  4. When you have finished adding content, click Save.

What to do next

From the community's Overview page, you can do the following:
  • Change the position of the rich content page by dragging it to a new location.
  • Edit the rich content page.