Downloading an interim fix
Download interim fixes from the HCL support website.
Before you begin
- Open a command line and change to the connections_root/updateInstaller directory.
- Run the following command to list installed interim fixes:|bat -installDir connections_root -fix -applications application_name
Where application_name is one of the following HCL Connections™applications:- activities
- blogs
- communities
- dogear
- files
- forums
- homepage
- metrics
- mobile
- moderation
- news
- profiles
- search
- wikis
Note: The Connections update installer does not install fixes for Cognos®. For more information about updating Cognos®, see your Cognos® documentation.
About this task
- Go to the
- Find or select the product Connections.
- Select your currently installed version from the Installed Version drop-down menu, then select your platform from the Platform menu, and click Continue.
- Use one of the available search methods to identify the fix that you want to install.
- Follow the online instructions to download the fix to a temporary directory.
- Extract the contents of the fix file and then copy the
extracted files to the following directory:
- AIX® or Linux™: connections_root/updateInstaller/fixes
- Microsoft™ Windows™: connections_root\updateInstaller\fixes
Note: If a fixes subdirectory does not already exist in the update directory, create it. You need to specify this directory when you install fixes.