Installing type-ahead search with Solr
Deploy the type-ahead search feature with Solr if you do not plan to use Elasticsearch in your HCL Connections deployment.
Before you begin
The Solr-based type-ahead search feature requires a Linux server. Make sure that you've installed Java 1.8.0_60 or higher on that system. If you're unsure, you can download the latest Java SDK from
If you did not install Solr, you can set up the type-ahead feature using the Elasticsearch service instead, as explained in Setting up type-ahead search.
- Visit IBM Fix Central and download the package, which contains all of the Solr code necessary for installing type-ahead.
- From the download package, copy solr_ssl.V2.tar.gz to your server.
Extract the file to /opt/IBM/solr by running the following command in a
command line.
tar -zxvf solr_ssl_V2.tar.gz -C /opt/IBM/solr
Run the following command to change the owner and group of the solr
directory to the IBM user and group to be used to run Solr.
For example, if Solr is to run as root, the command is as follows:
chown -R root:root /opt/IBM/solr/solr-4.7.2
- Change to the working folder directory. Enter the command cd /opt/IBM/solr/solr-4.7.2.
Set JAVA_HOME to the appropriate Java Runtime Environment instance. That is,
if you have multiple Java installations, you must provide the path to the location of one that meets
the Solr requirement (Java 8 or later), or you could have issues loading Solr.
Log in to the IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative console and navigate to root.crt and
save it to the /opt/IBM/solr/solr-4.7.2 folder.
. (Do not use the certificates from the nodedefault truststore). Extract the root certificate (not the webServer certificate). Rename this file to -
From the same session in which you set JAVA_HOME in step 1, run
./ to make sure that the certificate is configured correctly.
The command returns the keystore contents. The results resemble the following example.
solrtest, Feb 13, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry, Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 7C:F2:F3:FA:1B:C9:08:27:C6:E2:79:34:D7:10:6B:F7:50:47:FA:20 connections, Oct 22, 2015, trustedCertEntry,
From the cell default keystore, import the certificate that is called
key.p12 to your browser, as follows:
Run ./ to start the service. Check that
solr-start.log was created and that it contains output. You can access Solr
(from the Firefox client from step 7b) at
https://<connections_server>:8984/solr. When prompted, you must identify
yourself with a client certificate.
Note: The server is working properly when the following output starts to display in the logs after searches are made:
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore; [quick-results-collection] Registered new searcher Searcher@64d597c9[quick-results-collection] main{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_9:38:nrt _a(4.7):C8/1:delGen=1 _b(4.7):C4/3:delGen=2 _c(4.7):C2 _d(4.7):C1 _f(4.7):C1)}
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore; [quick-results-collection] webapp=/solr path=/select params={q=*:*&hl=true&hl.q=test&start=0&fq={!q.op%3DAND+df%3Dtitle}title:test&fq=user_id:60B70466-8EAD-C812-8525-7BE90078A509&fq=org_id:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&fq=+-source:PROFILES&hl.fl=title&sort=date+desc&rows=7&wt=javabin&version=2&_route_=60B70466-8EAD-C812-8525-7BE90078A509!} hits=0 status=0 QTime=71