Specifying read-only attributes
When you want to specify an attribute that cannot be edited by users, you enclose the attribute in an <attribute> element.
Before you begin
To edit configuration files, you must use the wsadmin client. See Starting the wsadmin client for information about how to start the wsadmin command-line tool.
Follow these steps to specify the read-only attributes
for the Profiles user interface.
- Start the wsadmin client from the following
directory of the system on which you installed the Deployment Manager:
where app_server_root is the WebSphere® Application Server installation directory and dm_profile_root is the Deployment Manager profile directory, typically dmgr01.app_server_root\profiles\dm_profile_root\bin
You must start the client from this directory or subsequent commands that you enter do not execute correctly.
- Start the Profiles Jython script interpreter.
- Open the profiles-config.xml file in a text editor.
- Identify those attributes that are read-only profile attributes
that should display on the Profile page. This decision should be based
on the data that you were able to copy from your corporate directory
into the Profiles application database and the requirements for your
deployment of Profiles. Identify a particular field by enclosing it
in an XML element named attribute as shown in the following example:
- The profile attributes that can be edited display in the
Profile page with the attributes identified in this step. The order
in which you specify these profile attributes dictates the order in
which they are displayed in the Profile page. The only limitation
is that profile attributes that are labeled as associated information
(for example, description and experience) show up within tabs, and
you have no control over these particular attributes in the Profile
page. However, you do have control over profile attributes in other
sections (for example, job information and contact information) as
described in the following table.
Table 1. Display options for read-only attributes Display option Description Example email link If the profile attribute is an email address which is resolvable by an email client, then you can have this attribute displayed as a link with a mailto URL. For users that are viewing a profile with this link and that have an email client installed on their systems, clicking this email link launches their email client and a new email with the email address in the recipient list is created automatically. <attribute email="true">email </attribute>
Hyperlink Displays as a clickable link. <attribute link="true"> blogUrl </attribute>
Sametime® aware If you choose to enable the ®HCL Sametime® presence awareness feature in Profiles, you can have a profile attribute that is a person's name displayed as a Sametime® link. Sametime® links display a person's presence and allow you to chat with that person if they are available to chat. A person viewing a profile with Sametime® links needs to be logged in to the Profiles application to see the presence awareness. If the user is not logged in, a link to the Profiles login page displays in place of a Sametime® link. <attribute sametimeLink="true" email="secretaryEmail"> secretaryName </attribute>
Display Profile card Displays the name as an hcard, which is a semantic tag that would be turned into a person tag. Hovering over this attribute in the Profile page displays another link that can be selected to see that person's profile card. The profile card displays basic profile information and includes links to the content which that person has created in other HCL Connections™ applications. <attribute hcard="true" email="secretaryEmail" uid="secretaryUid"> secretaryName </attribute>
Display no label Hides the label for the attribute. <attribute showLabel="false"> organizationTitle </attribute>
Display no label if value is empty Hides the label if there is no value for the attribute. <attribute hideIfEmpty="true"> secretaryName </attribute>