Adding owners and members to a community
Use scripts that are accessed by using the wsadmin command line to add owners and members to existing communities. You can add individuals to a community only; you cannot add a group to a community. There is no limit on the number of members that you can add to a community.
Before you begin
About this task
- Start the wsadmin client from the following
directory of the system on which you installed the Deployment Manager:
where app_server_root is the WebSphere® Application Server installation directory and dm_profile_root is the Deployment Manager profile directory, typically dmgr01.app_server_root\profiles\dm_profile_root\bin
You must start the client from this directory or subsequent commands that you enter will not execute correctly.
- Start the Communities Jython script interpreter
using the following command:
If prompted to specify a service to connect to, type 1 to pick the first node in the list. Most commands can run on any node. If the command writes or reads information to or from a file using a local file path, you must pick the node where the file is stored.execfile("")
Use the following commands to add members or owners to an existing community or
- CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByEmail(String communityUuid, Integer memberRole, List emailAddresses)
Adds members to an existing community or subcommunity.Note: When you use this command to add owners or members to a subcommunity, the users that you are adding must belong to the parent community.
You cannot exceed the maximum number of members limit that is specified in the explicitMembershipEntityLimit property of the communities-config.xml file. See Communities configuration properties.
You use this command in two steps. First, create a comma-separated list of users (using their email addresses) that you want to add to an existing community or subcommunity and assign this list to a variable. This variable is then used as input into the addMembersToCommunity command.
memberRole. Valid settings are 0 (member) or 1 (owner). Do not enclose this setting in quotation marks.
For example:wsadmin>threemembers=["", "", ""] wsadmin>CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByEmail("5742c4c8-0010-4e6e-abdb-65015e8a22e1",0,threemembers)
Note: You could use the communityName parameter instead of communityUuid . However, this is not recommended because the command fails if more than one community has the same community name. If the community name that you provide is not unique, an error similar to the following displays:
When you see an error like the previous one, instead of entering the name of the community or subcommunity in the command, use the community UUID. For example:WASX7015E: Exception running command: "CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByEmail ("My community",0,threemembers)"; exception information: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CLFRM0091E: Multiple communities found with name: My community
wsadmin>CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByEmail("5742c4c8-0010-4e6e-abdb-65015e8a22e1", 0,threemembers)
- CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByMemberUuid(String communityUuid, Integer memberRole, List UUID of member)
Adds members to an existing community or subcommunity. Use this command when you want to add users to a community's membership list, but they don't have an email address. The users that you are adding must belong to the parent community in order for them to be added to the subcommunity.Note: The member's UUID is the external LDAP identifier for a specific user. Use one of the following commands to return the user's external ID for use in the previous command:
- CommunitiesMemberService.getMemberExtIdByEmail("email")
- CommunitiesMemberService.getMemberExtIdByLogin("login")
You cannot exceed the maximum number of members limit that is specified in the explicitMembershipEntityLimit property of the community-config.xml file. See Communities configuration properties.
You use this command in two steps. First, create a comma-separated list of users (using their UUID, the external LDAP ID) that you want to add to an existing community or subcommunity and assign this list to a variable. This variable is then used as input into the addMembersToCommunity command.
memberRole: Valid settings are 0 (member) or 1 (owner). Do not enclose this setting in quotation marks.
For example:
Thewsadmin>onemember=["84b4897d-b4f8-4d95-9621-50bcaa2fd3ca"] wsadmin>CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByMemberUuid("5742c4c8-0010-4e6e-abdb-65015e8a22e1",0,onemember)
parameter is theextid(user)
.Note: You could use the communityName parameter instead of communityUuid . However, this is not recommended because the command fails if more than one community has the same community name. If the community name that you provide is not unique, an error similar to the following displays:
When you see an error like the previous one, instead of entering the name of the community or subcommunity in the command, enter the community UUID instead. For example:WASX7015E: Exception running command: "CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByEmail ("My community",0,threemembers)"; exception information: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CLFRM0091E: Multiple communities found with name: My community
wsadmin>CommunitiesService.addMembersToCommunityByEmail("5742c4c8-0010-4e6e-abdb-65015e8a22e1", 0,threemembers)