Emptying the Activities trash on a schedule
Edit configuration property settings to set up a schedule on which to permanently delete the activities and entries that have been moved to the Trash view.
Before you begin
To edit configuration files, you must use the wsadmin client. See Starting the wsadmin client for details.
About this task
Activities that are deleted are moved to the Trash view and can be restored from the Trash view. You can schedule the permanent deletion of activities and entries after a time interval that you specify. When the scheduled job runs, the activities and entries in the Trash view are permanently deleted from the system. Items that are purged from the Trash view are not recoverable.
To schedule the permanent removal of activities or entries from the Trash view, complete the following steps:
- Use the
wsadmin client to access and check out the Activities
configuration files.
- Display the current
Activities configuration settings using
the following command:
From the returned list, look for the settings that begin with jobs.TrashAutoPurge; these control trash deletion. Determine which property values you want to change:ActivitiesConfigService.showConfig()
- jobs.TrashAutoPurge.daysRetention
- Number of days after which you would like activities and their
entries removed from the Trash view. Specify the value in days. The
default value is 90. Note: Do not set this value to 0. When it is set to 0, activities and their entries are not removed from the Trash view.
- jobs.TrashAutoPurge.interval
- Frequency with which the job to check for expired content runs.
See Scheduling tasks for information about the format
to use to specify the interval. The default value is
0 0 2 ? * SUN
, which specifies that the job should run weekly at 2 AM on Sunday.
- To change
the property values, use the following command:
ActivitiesConfigService.updateConfig(property, value)
For example:ActivitiesConfigService.updateConfig("jobs.TrashAutoPurge.daysRetention", "100") ActivitiesConfigService.updateConfig("jobs.TrashAutoPurge.interval", "0 15 10 L * ?")
Note: The0 15 10 L * ?
value schedules the job to run at 10:15 AM on the last day of every month. - Optional: If you want to prevent the trash
purge job from running altogether, you can use the following commands
to disable the jobs:
ActivitiesConfigService.updateConfig("jobs.TrashAutoPurge.enabled", "false")
- After making changes, you must check the configuration files back in and you must do so during the same wsadmin session in which you checked them out for the changes to take effect. See Applying property changes for details.
<!-- cluster scoped jobs -->
description="Permanently removes Activities Trash"
interval="0 15 10 L * ?"
serverName="unsupported" >
<property name="trashRetentionInDays">100</property>