PowerCube dimensions
The data collected by IBM® Collections is stored in a PowerCube that is administered by IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence. The PowerCube stores data in dimensions, which provide descriptive information as well as quantitative measures of the data. When designing reports for displaying Metrics data in HCL Connections, you can include data from both the Regular (categories) and the Measure dimensions.
Regular dimensions
Regular dimensions represent descriptive data that provides context for the data that is modeled in the Measure dimensions. Each dimension contains categories; for example, the SOURCE dimension provides the name of the Connections application that triggered an event.
- This is a time dimension, which indicates the time that an event was generated. This dimension break down time into year, month, week, and day levels.
- This dimension indicates the application that generated the event.
- This dimension indicates the scope of the content that is referred to by the event.
- This dimension indicates the type of the content that referred by the event.
- This dimension indicates the action of the event.
- This dimension indicates the community that the event happens.
- This dimension indicates the action of the event in the calculation of unique people and content.
- The categories of this dimension comes from the specified attribute of profile, and this can be customized by system administrator.
- The categories of this dimension also comes from the specified attribute of profile, and this can be customized by system administrator.
- The categories of this dimension also comes from the specified attribute of profile, and this can be customized by system administrator.
Measure dimensions
Measure dimensions represent the quantitative data described by regular dimensions; for example, the MONTHLY_UNIQUE_CONTENT provides a count of unique content events for a month, and can be associated with a Regular dimension such as COMMUNITY to provide the number of unique content items generated for a particular community in a specified month.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of event counting.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of unique user number in day level.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of unique user number in week level.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of unique user number in month level.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of unique content number in day level.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of unique content number in month level.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of unique content number in week level.
- This measure dimension is used for the calculation of initial count.
- This measure dimension represents 0 in the calculation.