Create a lookup connector to fetch data for a single user,
including all the attributes necessary for mapping that user in your
source repository.
About this task
The lookup assembly line is used in the populate_from_dns_file script to
populate users. Using the default mapping for secretary ($secretary_uid) and
manager ($manager_uid), the script uses the assembly line to look up the manager
and secretary uid values. If you can extract the manager and secretary uid values from the work
entry without an additional lookup, it is advisable to do so for performance reasons.After
developing your lookup connector, export it and then restart the IBM® Tivoli® Directory Integrator configuration editor to make the adapter file
visible to the Profiles TDI solution. To test the adapter, configure the Profiles TDI solution to
use your adapter for data lookup. You can then test the adapter using the
TEST_source_repository_lookup script provided by the TDI solution.
A lookup
connector is not usable in every situation. For example, if your source is a data file, you cannot
retrieve the data using a lookup mode with the TDI file. However, you can provide an iterator
connector and use the TDI assembly lines that do not use the lookup connector, such as
Create a source repository lookup connector by completing
the following steps:
- Develop your lookup assembly line by performing the following
- Add an attribute map to your assembly line flow section
by mapping the following attributes:
- $dn – This attribute should be present in the
attribute map with the value from the work entry.
- $lookup_operation – This attribute should be
present in the attribute map with the value from the work entry
- $lookup_status – This attribute should be initialized
to return the string error, for example map it to ret.value
= "error"; .
- Connect to your source with an appropriate connector
using its iterator mode. Retrieve the data to be used in the process
into the work entry. Use the $dn attribute as the
link criteria, or ensure that another value you wish to use is present
in the work entry.
- Add the following JavaScript entries to the following
lookup connector hooks:
- On no Match hook:
work.setAttribute("$lookup_status", "nomatch");
- Default Success hook:
work.setAttribute("$lookup_status", "success");
- Lookup Error hook:
work.setAttribute("$lookup_status", "nomatch");
- Add the following entry to the assembly line On
Failure hook:
- Optionally add additional error checking code and tracing
- Export your lookup solution by completing the following
Note: You can package the lookup connector together
with the iterator assembly line, which is best practice suggestion
but not a required step.
Shift-click the assembly lines that comprise your lookup solution in the Tivoli® Directory
Integrator configuration editor.
- Right-click a member of the selected assembly line group
and select Publish.
- In the Publish window, enter a
name for your solution in the Package ID field.
For example, myLookupAdapter.
- Optional: Enter additional information,
such as a version number or a help URL for future administrators.
- Assuming you followed the development environment procedure
outlined in the topic, Setting up your development environment,
select the packages directory located in your IBM® Connections TDI solution from
the File Path menu, and then click Finish.
To make the adapter file visible to the Profiles TDI solution, restart the Tivoli® Directory
Integrator Config Editor.
If the Tivoli® Directory
Integrator server is not recycled during
testing, it might not detect the existence of the new adapter.xml file.
Recycling the Config Editor stops and starts the embedded Tivoli® Directory
Integrator server.
- Configure the Profiles TDI solution to use your adapter
for data lookup by completing the following steps:
- Open the file
in a text editor.
- Add a property of the following format to the file:
Note: This expression
should be entered as a single line; it is shown in two lines here
to avoid page runoff.
Note: This property may
already be present and commented out in the file. If so, remove the
comment character (hash sign) and make the edits.
- Substitute
the package ID that you entered in step 2c.
- Substitute
the name of your lookup assembly line.The line should
now look similar to the following:
- Save your changes and then close the file.
- Test your lookup adapter using the TEST_source_repository_lookup script
in the Profiles TDI solution. To use this script:
- Configure the assembly line as described in the previous
- Write the distinguished names of a number of users in
a file named collect.dns and place this file
at the root of the Profiles TDI solution directory. Separate each
distinguished name with a carriage return.
- Run the TEST_source_repository_lookup
or runAl.bat
command.This command
iterates over the collect.dns file and attempts
to look up each user that you specified. The resulting data returned
by your adapter is generated in the ibmdi.log file
in the {TDI solution}/logs/ibmdi.log directory.
You can examine this file to confirm that it is returning all of the
expected values correctly.
- Repeat this procedure as needed until you are satisfied
with the output of your adapter.