Gathering DB2® database statistics daily

Use the scripts that are provided with IBM Connections to gather statistics about DB2® database usage.

About this task

Up-to-date statistics are necessary for optimal performance. You can collect statistics while IBM® Connections is running. However, it is better to schedule collection during off-peak hours by using a tool such as DB2® Task Scheduler.

This procedure is relevant for DB2® databases only. Oracle and SQL Server databases gather statistics automatically.

To gather DB2® database statistics, complete the following steps:


  1. Copy the statistics script named runstats.sql to the root directory of the application database for which you want to gather statistics. The script is stored in the following directory:
    • AIX® or Linux®:/Lotus_Connections_Install/connections.sql/ application_subdirectory/db2
    • Microsoft® Windows®:\Lotus_Connections_Install\connections.sql\ application_subdirectory\db2
    where application_subdirectory is the script file storage directory of the application for which you are compacting the database. Choose one of the following subdirectories:
    • activities
    • blogs
    • communities
    • dogear
    • files
    • forum
    • homepage
    • metrics
    • mobile
    • news
    • oauth provider
    • profiles
    • search
    • wikis
  2. Log into the database server with an ID that has administrative privileges.
  3. Open a command prompt and then change to the directory to which you copied the script.
  4. Use the following command to run the application scripts:
    • For Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Forums, Mobile, and Profiles: db2 -td@ -vf runstats.sql
    • For Calendar: db2 -td@ -vf calendar-runstats.sql
    • For Files, Home page, Metrics, Wikis, and Push Notification: db2 -td@ -vf updateStats.sql