Profiles widgets
There are several widgets available for the Profiles application.
Profile widgets
You can edit, enable or disable, and change the location of these widgets by configuring settings in the widgets-config.xml file. For more information, see Managing widgets in Profiles.User interface element | Widget defIdRef | Description |
Organization Tags widget | commonTags | Displays the tags for the entire organization. This widget is visible on the Directory page. |
Do You Know widget | sand_DYK | Recommends people for users to add to their network. This widget is visible on the Directory page. |
Tags widget | socialTags | Displays the tags associated with a specific profile. |
Things in Common widget | sand_thingsInCommon | Displays a list of the things that a user has in common with another user. |
Tabs widget | multiWidget | Displays the tabs in the center section of the profile view page. By default,
this tabbed section displays the following widgets:
Recent Updates widget | board | Displays the latest updates to the profile owner's status message, and messages or comments that other users have posted. Also displays a status message for actions and posts of users that the profile owner follows and from content the profile owner is a member of, such as communities, blogs, and wikis. |
Contact Information widget | contactInfo | Displays the profile owner's contact information, such as name, job title, company, location, telephone numbers, and email addresses. |
Background widget | backgroundInfo | Displays the profile owner's background information, such as work experience, technical skills, languages spoken, interests, past work experience, and education. |
Who Connects Us widget | sand_socialPath | Displays the social path that links two users in IBM® Connections. |
Report-to Chain widget | reportStructure | Displays the profile owner's position in the organization. |
Network widget | friends | Displays a selection of the people in the profile owner's network. |
My Links widget | linkRoll | Displays a list of external links that the profile owner has included as part of their profile. |