Managing the Search index
The Search application uses a Lucene 3.0.3 index, supplemented by social facet information. The location of the Search index is mapped to an IBM® WebSphere® Application Server variable, SEARCH_INDEX_DIR. The value of this variable is set to CONNECTIONS_DATA_DIRECTORY/search/index by default.
The index is generated by retrieving all the necessary information from each IBM® Connections application on an administrator-defined schedule. Each task defines which applications to crawl and whether to optimize the index at the end of the task. The following applications can be indexed: Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, ECM files, Forums, Profiles, and Wikis. Status updates and community calendar events can also be indexed.
Search uses the WebSphere® Application Server scheduling service for creating and updating the Search index. The scheduling service is based on the Cron calendar, which uses predefined date algorithms to determine when a task should run. While the scheduling service supports the use of a Simple calendar, this is not currently supported for IBM® Connections. For more information about the WebSphere® Application Server scheduler, see Scheduling tasks.
IBM® Connections applications maintain delete and access-control update information for a maximum of 30 days. If indexing is not performed on an index for 30 days, that index is considered to be out-of-date and reindexing is necessary. You must delete and recreate the index to ensure data integrity.