Changing the default favicon
You can change the default favicon for a Bookmarks deployment.
Before you begin
Icons for bookmarks give users a visual guide to different bookmarks. You can manage many of the settings for how bookmark icons display in your deployment.
About this task
IBM® Connections supplies a default icon for bookmarks that are not associated with an icon. When you bookmark a page that does not have an icon associated with it, the default icon, default.gif, is placed in the favorite folder where the Bookmarks service is installed. For example, C:\Program files\IBM\Connections\Data\dogear\favorite on a Windows® installation.
- To customize the default icon for your IBM Connections deployment, replace the default.gif file with the one you want to use.
- To revert to the default, delete the default.gif file and the Bookmarks service will recreate the default file the next time a default icon is requested.