Create_WCS_InventoryReceipt message

The Create_WCS_InventoryReceipt message is an inbound message that contains information for creating an HCL Commerce inventory record. A fulfillment center application generates this request and sends it to the HCL Commerce inbound message queue, where the HCL Commerce system receives the message. When the HCL Commerce system receives the message, it calls the ReceiptCreate controller command. If the command executes successfully, the Response_WCS_CreateInvReceipt message is sent in response. If enough inventory exists to fulfill an expected inventory record, the record will be closed.

Note: If the inbound message does not contain a valid StoreID or a valid ReceiptDate, the GenericApplicationError viewname is used for error message composition and the ReceiptCreate command is not invoked. The response message is generated by GenericApplicationErrorXML.jsp.

The Create_WCS_InventoryReceipt message uses the XML message format and follows Create_WCS_InventoryReceipt_10.dtd.

The following table describes the format of the Create_WCS_InventoryReceipt message. For a description of the database column, follow the link to its associated table. All fields are optional unless otherwise noted. The tag value length in the XML message for database fields of type INT, BIGINT and DOUBLE should be CHAR (10), CHAR(19), and CHAR(16) respectively.

Level Field Name Comment Table Name Column Name Note
1 ItemOwnerID Mandatory ITEMSPC MEMBER_ID N/A
2 ProductNumberbyMerchant Mandatory ITEMSPC PARTNUMBER N/A
3 VersionName ITEMVERSN VERSIONNAME Reserved for HCL internal use.
4 StoreID Mandatory RECEIPT STORE_ID N/A
5 FulfillmentCenterID Mandatory RECEIPT FFMCENTER_ID N/A
6 VendorID Mandatory RECEIPT VENDOR_ID N/A
7 Cost Mandatory RECEIPT COST N/A
8 Currency Mandatory RECEIPT SETCCUR N/A
10 ReceiptDate Mandatory RECEIPT RECEIPTDATE ISO 8601 date format
11 WCSRaDetailID RECEIPT RADETAIL_ID An expected inventory record in the RA table. If it does not exist, the receipt is an ad-hoc type
12 ReceiptComment RECEIPT COMMENT1 N/A
13 QualityComment RECEIPT COMMENT2 N/A