Each row of this table contains attributes that affect how a particular Store allocates inventory for the specified items of a particular Base Item. If there is no row for the Store, then the row for its Store Group is used.

Column Descriptions:

STOREENT_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe Store or Store Group for this row. Attributes in this row apply to the specified Store, or to Stores in the specified Store Group that do not have their own row.
TRACKINVENTORYCHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'Controls whether or not inventory is tracked in the RECEIPT table. N = Inventory is not tracked (there are no entries in the RECEIPT table). Y = Inventory is tracked in the RECEIPT table. E = Inventory is tracked externally
FORCEBACKORDERCHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'Can be used to temporarily suspend allocation of specified items for this Base Item. N = Inventory can be allocated (typical behavior). Y = Inventory cannot be allocated, even if there is enough inventory.
RELEASESEPARATELYCHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'Controls how Order Items for specified items for this Base Item are released. N = Order Items may be released along with other Order Items. Y = Order Items must be released separately (in their own boxes).
FOREIGNSKUCHAR (20)Customizable.
LASTUPDATETIMESTAMPThe most recent time this row was updated.
CREDITABLECHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'Whether the merchant will, without an override, issue a credit for this item. N = Sold as-is. Y = Creditable. The requirement for the return of merchandise is evaluated separately.
BACKORDERABLECHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'Can be used to indicate that specified items for this Base Item cannot be backordered. N = Items may not be backordered. Y = Items may be backordered.
RETURNNOTDESIREDCHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'Item return not wanted, even if customer is willing or able to return it. For example, perishable food items. N = Request for credit evaluated based on the customers intention to return the item, and customer is required to return merchandise. Y = Request for credit evaluated as if return is expected, but customer is not required to return merchandise.
MINQTYFORSPLITINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0Used by the default AllocateInventory task command implementation. Order Items will not be automatically split during inventory allocation if the remaining unallocated quantity would be less than the specified minimum quantity.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000791STOREENT_IDNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType