Represents store location information.
Column Descriptions:
Name | Type | Description |
STLOC_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Store location ID. |
IDENTIFIER | VARCHAR (128) NOT NULL | Store location external identifier. (unique
index) |
PHONE | CHAR (32) | Store location phone number. |
FAX | CHAR (32) | Store location fax number. |
ADDRESS1 | VARCHAR (128) | Store location address line 1. |
ADDRESS2 | VARCHAR (64) | Store location address line 2. |
ADDRESS3 | VARCHAR (64) | Store location address line 3 |
CITY | VARCHAR (128) | The city that the store locates. |
STATE | VARCHAR (128) | The state or province of the store location. |
COUNTRY | VARCHAR (128) | The country or region of the store location. |
ZIPCODE | CHAR (40) | The zip or postal code of the store
location. |
ACTIVE | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 | 1 if the store is active. Otherwise, 0. |
LATITUDE | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL | Latitude of the store in degrees north or south
of the equator. |
LONGITUDE | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL | Longitude of the store in degrees east or west of
the Greenwich meridian. |
GEONODE_ID | INTEGER | The ID of the GEO node that the store locates.
Foreign key to GEONODE.GEONODE_ID. |
STOREENT_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The reference number of the store. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |
Name | Column Names | Type |
I0001460 | STOREENT_ID+IDENTIFIER | Unique Index |
I0001210 | LATITUDE+LONGITUDE | Non-Unique Index |
I0001211 | GEONODE_ID | Non-Unique Index |
Constrained By Parent Tables:
Constraint | Columns | Parent Table | Parent Columns | Type |
F_3569 | GEONODE_ID | GEONODE | GEONODE_ID | Cascade |
Referenced By Child Tables:
Constraint | Columns | Child Table | Child Columns | Type |
F_3570 | STLOC_ID | STLOCATTR | STLOC_ID | Cascade |
F_3572 | STLOC_ID | STLOCDS | STLOC_ID | Cascade |
F_3578 | STLOC_ID | STLFFMREL | STLOC_ID | Cascade |
F_3583 | STLOC_ID | INVAVL | STLOC_ID | Cascade |
F_3588 | STLOC_ID | INVCNFREL | STLOC_ID | Cascade |