This table stores gift registry and wish list profile information. Its parent table is GRADDR.

Note: When invoking the constructor, the value passed is verified in the GRADDR table. If creating a new record in GRGFTREG fails with an SQL error even though you have declared preventaddressId=0 while invoking the constructor, insert a record in GRADDR with '0' as the address.

Column Descriptions:

GIFTREGISTRY_IDBIGINT NOT NULLReserved for HCL internal use. The surrogate primary key of this table. This ID should not be exposed to external users.
EVENTTYPE_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe event type for this gift registry and wish list.
GUESTACCESSOPTIONINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0Specifies guest access options for the gift registry and wish list. Valid values are as follows:
  • 0: The gift registry is public. It can be searched or viewed by anyone. This is the default column value for a gift registry.
  • 1: The gift registry can not be searched but is not password protected. This is the default column value for a wish list.
  • 2: The gift registry is password protected, but searchable.
PREEVENTADDRESS_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe pre-event shipping address of this gift registry. Column value 0 is used to indicate the address is not available.
POSTEVENTADDRESS_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe post-event shipping address of this gift registry. Column value 0 is used to indicate the address is not available.
STATUSINTEGER NOT NULLStatus of this gift registry or wish list. Valid values are as follows:
  • 0: Indicates inactive state (that is, it is disabled). Only the merchant can activate the registry.
  • 1: Indicates active state.
  • 2. Indicates completed state.
  • 3: Indicates expired state.
  • 4: Indicates marked for deletion.
  • 5: Indicates default wish list. This status is not applicable for gift registry.
  • 6: Indicates save for later wish list. This status is not applicable for gift registry.
ACCEPTGIFTCARDINTEGER NOT NULLSpecifies whether gift cards can be accepted as gifts. Two values are available:
  • 0: Gift cards are not accepted
  • 1: Gift cards are accepted
STOREIDINTEGER NOT NULLThe identifier of the store for the gift registry or wish list.
OPTFOREMAILINTEGER NOT NULLSpecifies whether the registrant wants to receive e-mail notifications. Two values are available:
  • 0: The registrant does not want to receive e-mail.
  • 1: The registrant wants to receive e-mail.
REGTYPEINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The type of registry or wish list. Default is 0 for gift registry and 1 for wish list.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.
CREATEDTIMETIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMPThe time when this gift registry or wish list was created.
LASTUPDATETIMESTAMP NOT NULLThe time when the gift registry or wish list was last created or deleted.
EVENTDATEDATE NOT NULLThe date for event (or purpose of this gift registry or wish list).
LOCATIONVARCHAR (32) NOT NULLThe location from where this gift registry or wish list is created.
EXTERNALIDVARCHAR (64) NOT NULLThis externalId is used to uniquely identify a gift registry or wish list.
DESCRIPTIONVARCHAR (254)This description can be used to store longer descriptions. It can be displayed as a part of a search result.
MESSAGEFORGUESTVARCHAR (512)The message that will be displayed to the guests who view this gift registry or wish list.
NAMEVARCHAR (64)The name of the gift registry or wish list.
GUESTACCESSKEYVARCHAR (64)A randomly generated number that can be used as an access key to allow a guest to view the registry or wish list ignoring guest access option and password protection.
REGACCESSKEYVARCHAR (64)A randomly generated number that can be used as an access key to allow a registrant to add products directly to the registry or wish list from e-mail by ignoring the manage access password.
FIELD3VARCHAR (64)Customizable.
FIELD4VARCHAR (64)Customizable.
FIELD5VARCHAR (64)Customizable.


NameColumn NamesType

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType