Class CollateralSearchCmdImpl

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        IBM copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CollateralSearchCmdImpl

        public CollateralSearchCmdImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getCpgnCollDataBeans

        public CampaignCollateralDataBean[] getCpgnCollDataBeans()
        Gets all the collateral data beans that matches this search.
        An array of CampaignCollateralDataBean.
      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()
        Gets the value of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
        The value of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
      • getFileNameOperator

        public java.lang.String getFileNameOperator()
        Gets the operator of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
        The operator of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
      • getIniPos

        public java.lang.String getIniPos()
        Gets the start position for result set cursor.
        Initial position for result set.
      • getMaxResult

        public java.lang.String getMaxResult()
        Gets the maximum number of results to be returned in the search.
        The maximum number of results to be returned in the search.
      • getMktTxt

        public java.lang.String getMktTxt()
        Gets the value of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
        The value of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
      • getMktTxtOperator

        public java.lang.String getMktTxtOperator()
        Gets the operator of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
        The operator of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Gets the value of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
        The value of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
      • getNameOperator

        public java.lang.String getNameOperator()
        Gets the operator of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
        The operator of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
      • getOrderBy

        public java.lang.String getOrderBy()
        Gets the value of the order by clause used in the search query.
        The value of the order by clause used in the search query.
      • getURL

        public java.lang.String getURL()
        Gets the value of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
        The value of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
      • getURLOperator

        public java.lang.String getURLOperator()
        Gets the operator of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
        The operator of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
      • performExecute

        public void performExecute()
                            throws ECException
        This method performs the execution of this command, where the search query is being constructed and executed, and the result set is used to generate the result of the search in the form of collateral data beans.
        Specified by:
        performExecute in interface ECCommand
        Specified by:
        performExecute in interface
        performExecute in class AbstractECTargetableCommand
      • populateDataBeanCommand

        public void populateDataBeanCommand(InputDataBean aCollateralSearchListDataBean)
        This method populates the value of all search criterion to this search command from the input data bean.
        populateDataBeanCommand in class DataBeanCommandImpl
        aCollateralSearchListDataBean - The data bean object used to populate all the fields in this command.
      • setCpgnCollDataBeans

        public void setCpgnCollDataBeans(CampaignCollateralDataBean[] beans)
        Sets the array of collateral beans that is returned by this search command.
        beans - The array of collateral beans that is returned by this search command.
      • setFileName

        public void setFileName(java.lang.String fileNam)
        Sets the value of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
        fileNam - The value of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
      • setFileNameOperator

        public void setFileNameOperator(java.lang.String fileNameOptr)
        Sets the operator of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
        fileNameOptr - The operator of the File Name search criteria used in the search.
      • setIniPos

        public void setIniPos(java.lang.String iniPosition)
        Sets the start position for result set cursor.
        iniPosition - The start position for result set cursor.
      • setMaxResult

        public void setMaxResult(java.lang.String maxRes)
        Sets the maximum number of results to be returned in the search.
        maxRes - The maximum number of results to be returned in the search.
      • setMktTxt

        public void setMktTxt(java.lang.String mktText)
        Sets the value of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
        mktText - The value of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
      • setMktTxtOperator

        public void setMktTxtOperator(java.lang.String mktTxtOptr)
        Sets the operator of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
        mktTxtOptr - The operator of the Marketing Text search criteria used in the search.
      • setName

        public void setName(java.lang.String nam)
        Sets the value of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
        nam - The value of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
      • setNameOperator

        public void setNameOperator(java.lang.String nameOptr)
        Sets the operator of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
        nameOptr - The operator of the Collateral Name search criteria used in the search.
      • setOrderBy

        public void setOrderBy(java.lang.String string)
        Sets the value of the order by clause used in the search query.
        string - The value of the order by clause used in the search query.
      • setURL

        public void setURL(java.lang.String ClkURL)
        Sets the value of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
        ClkURL - The value of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
      • setURLOperator

        public void setURLOperator(java.lang.String URLOptr)
        Sets the operator of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
        URLOptr - The operator of the Collateral URL search criteria used in the search.
      • isReadyToCallExecute

        public boolean isReadyToCallExecute()
        Checks to see if the command is ready to call.
        Specified by:
        isReadyToCallExecute in interface
        isReadyToCallExecute in class AbstractECTargetableCommand
        Always returns 'true'.