See: Description
Interface | Description |
SearchCategoryCmd |
Search through catalog based on keyword, category and price.
Class | Description |
AttributeAttributeIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRIBUTE.ATTRIBUTEID column.
AttributeCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRIBUTE.CATENTRY_ID column.
AttributeLanguageIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRIBUTE.LANGUAGE_ID column.
AttributeNameAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRIBUTE.NAME column.
AttributeTableInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRIBUTE table.
AttrValueAttributeIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE.ATTRIBUTE_ID column.
AttrValueCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE.CATENTRY_ID column.
AttrValueFloatValueAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE.FLOATVALUE column.
AttrValueGenericAttributeInfo |
Reserved for IBM internal use.
AttrValueIntegerValueAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE.INTEGERVALUE column.
AttrValueLanguageIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE.LANGUAGE_ID column.
AttrValueNameAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE.NAME column.
AttrValueStringValueAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE.STRINGVALUE column.
AttrValueTableInfo |
This class maps to the ATTRVALUE table.
CatalogDescAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOGDSC.DESCRIPTION column.
CatalogDescCatalogIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to theCatalogdsc.Catalog_id column.
CatalogDescLanguageIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOGDSC.LANGUAGE_ID column.
CatalogDescNameAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOGDSC.NAME column.
CatalogDescriptionAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOG.DESCRIPTION column.
CatalogDescShortDescAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOGDSC.SHORTDESCRIPTION column.
CatalogDscTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOGDSC table.
CatalogIdentAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOG.IDENTIFIER column.
CatalogIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOG.CATALOG_ID column.
CatalogQuery |
Reserved for IBM internal use.
CatalogTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATALOG table.
CatEntDescAvailabilityDateAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.AVAILABILITYDATE column.
CatEntDescAvailableAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.AVAILABLE column
CatEntDescCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.CATENTRY_ID column.
CatEntDescIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.CATENTRY_ID column.
CatEntDescKeywordAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.KEYWORD column.
CatEntDescLanguageIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.LANGUAGE_ID column
CatEntDescLongDescAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.LONGDESCRIPTION column.
CatEntDescNameAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.NAME column.
CatEntDescPartnumberAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.PARTNUMBER column.
CatEntDescPublishedAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.PUBLISHED column.
CatEntDescShortDescAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.SHORTDESCRIPTION column.
CatEntDescTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC table.
CatEntDescThumbnailAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTDESC.THUMBNAIL column.
CatEntRelChildIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTREL.CATENTRY_ID_CHILD column.
CatEntRelParentIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTREL.CATENTRY_ID_PARENT column.
CatEntRelTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTREL table.
CatEntRelTypeAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTREL.CATRELTYPE_ID.
CatEntryBuyableAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.BUYABLE column.
CatEntryField1AttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.FIELD1 column
CatEntryField2AttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.FIELD2 column
CatEntryField3AttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.FIELD3 column
CatEntryField4AttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.FIELD4 column.
CatEntryField5AttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.FIELD5 column
CatEntryIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.CATENTRY_ID column.
CatEntryItemSpcIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.ITEMSPC_ID column.
CatEntryLastUpdateAttributeInfo | |
CatEntryMarkfordeleteAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.MARKFORDELETE column.
CatEntryMfnameAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.MFNAME column.
CatEntryMFPartnumberAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.MFPARTNUMBER column.
CatEntryOnAuctionAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.ONAUCTION column.
CatEntryOnSpecialAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.ONSPECIAL column.
CatEntryPartnumberAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.PARTNUMBER column.
CatEntrySKUAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.SKU column.
CatEntryTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY table.
CatEntryTypeAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATENTRY.CATENTTYPE_ID column.
CatGpEnRelCatalogIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGPENREL.CATALOG_ID column.
CatGpEnRelCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGPENREL.CATENTRY_ID column.
CatGpEnRelCatGpIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGPENREL.CATGRP_ID column.
CatGpEnRelTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATGPENREL table.
CatGroupIdentAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGROUP.IDENTIFIER column.
CatGroupIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGROUP.CATGROUP_ID column.
CatGroupLastupdateAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGROUP.LASTUPDATE column.
CatGroupMarkfordeleteAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGROUP.MARKFORDELETE column.
CatGroupTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATGROUP table.
CatGrpDescIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC.NAME column.
CatGrpDescKeywordAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC.KEYWORD column.
CatGrpDescLanguageIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC.LANGUAGE_ID column.
CatGrpDescLongDescAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC.LONGDESCRIPTION column.
CatGrpDescNameAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC.NAME column.
CatGrpDescPublishedAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC.PUBLISHED column.
CatGrpDescShortDescAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC.SHORTDESCRIPTION column.
CatGrpDescTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPDESC table.
CatGrpRelCatalogIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPREL.CATALOG_ID column.
CatGrpRelChildCatalogIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPREL.CATALOG_ID_CHILD column.
CatGrpRelParentCatalogIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPREL.CATALOG_ID_PARENT column.
CatGrpRelTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATGRPREL table.
CattoGrpCatalogIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATTOGRP.CATALOG_ID column.
CattoGrpCatGroupIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the CATTOGRP.CATGROUP_ID column.
CattoGrpTableInfo |
This class maps to the CATTOGRP table.
DispEntRelCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the DISPENTREL.CATENTRY_ID column.
DispEntRelGroupIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the DISPENTREL.MBRGRP_ID column.
DispEntRelStoreIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the DISPENTREL.STOREENT_ID column.
DispEntRelTableInfo |
This class maps to the DISPENTREL table.
InventoryQuantityAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the INVENTORY.QUANTITY column.
InventoryQuantityMeasureAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the INVENTORY.QUANTITYMEASURE column.
InventoryTableInfo |
This class maps to the INVENTORY table.
InvStVwItemSpcIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the INVSTVW.ITEMSPC_ID column.
InvStVwQuanMeasureAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the INVSTVW.QUANTITYMEASURE column.
InvStVwQuantityAvailableAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the INVSTVW.QTYAVAILABLE column.
InvStVwStoreIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the INVSTVW.QUANTITYMEASURE column.
InvStVwTableInfo |
This class maps to the INVSTVW table.
ListPriceAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the LISTPRICE.LISTPRICE column.
ListPriceCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the LISTPRICE.CATENTRY_ID column.
ListPriceCurrencyAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the LISTPRICE.CURRENCY column.
ListPriceTableInfo |
This class maps to the LISTPRICE table
MbrGrpMbrGrpIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the MBRGRPMBR.MBRGRP_ID column.
MbrGrpMbrIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the MBRGRPMBR.MEMBER_ID column.
MbrGrpMbrTableInfo |
This class maps to the MBRGRPMBR table
OfferCatentryIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFER.CATENTRY_ID column.
OfferMaxQuantityAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFER.MAXIMUMQUANTITY column.
OfferMinQuantityAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFER.MINIMUMQUANTITY column.
OfferOfferIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFER.OFFER_ID column.
OfferPriceCurrencyAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFERPRICE.CURRENCY column.
OfferPriceOfferIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFERPRICE.OFFER_ID column.
OfferPricePriceAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFERPRICE.PRICE column.
OfferPriceTableInfo |
This class maps to the OFFERPRICE table
OfferTableInfo |
This class maps to the OFFER table
OfferTradeposcnIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the OFFER.TRADEPOSCN_ID column.
PrsetcerelCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the Prsetcerel.Catentry_Id column.
PrsetcerelProductsetIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the Prsetcerel.Productset_Id column.
PrsetcerelTableInfo |
This class maps to the PRESETCEREL table
SchemaInfo |
Reserved for IBM internal use.
SearchCategoryCmdImpl |
Search through catalog based on keyword, category and price.
StdPriceVwCatentryIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STDPRICEVW.CATENTRY_ID column.
StdPriceVwCurrencyAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STDPRICEVW.CURRENCY column.
StdPriceVwPriceAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STDPRICEVW.PRICE column.
StdPriceVwTableInfo |
This class maps to the STDPRICEVW table.
StoreCatCatalogIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STORECAT.CATALOG_ID column.
StoreCatMastercatalogAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STORECAT.MASTERCATALOG column.
StoreCatStoreIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STORECAT.STOREENT_ID column.
StoreCatTableInfo |
This class maps to the STORECAT table
StoreCEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STORECENT.CATENTRY_ID column.
StoreCEntStoreIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STORECENT.CATENTRY_ID column.
StoreCEntTableInfo |
This class maps to the STORECENT table
StoreCGrpCatGroupIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STORECGRP.CATGROUP_ID column.
StoreCGrpStoreEntIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STORECGRP.STOREENT_ID column.
StoreCGrpTableInfo |
This class maps to the STORECGRP table
StoreInvCatEntIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STOREINV.CATENTRY_ID column.
StoreInvQuanMeasureAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STOREINV.QUANTITYMEASURE column.
StoreInvQuantityAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STOREINV.STOREQUANTITY column.
StoreInvTableInfo |
This class maps to the STOREINV table
StoreMbrGpIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STOREMBRGP.MBRGRP_ID column.
StoreMbrGpStoreIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the STOREMBRGP.STORE_ID column.
StoreMbrGpTableInfo |
This class maps to the STOREMBRGP table
TradeposcnTableInfo |
This class maps to the TRADEPOSCN table.
TradeposcnTradeposcnIdAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the TRADEPOSCN.TRADEPOSCN_ID column.
TradeposcnTypeAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the TRADEPOSCN.TYPE column.
UsersIdentifierAttributeInfo |
This class maps to the USER.USERS_ID column.
UsersTableInfo |
This class maps to the USER table.