See: Description
Interface | Description |
AdminReturnApproveCmd |
This controller command approves a return merchandise authorization (RMA) by changing its status to 'APP'.
ApproveRefundPolicyCmd |
Interface for the command used for checking to see if the refund for a return
merchandise authorization (RMA) and its items are approved (policy).
ApproveReturnItemCmd |
Interface for the task command used for changing the status of a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item.
ARefundTaskCmd |
This class is the base interface for Payment Rules task commands when refund related business events occur.
AutoApproveReturnItemCmd |
Interface for the task command used for determining if a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item may be approved.
AutoApproveReturnItemPolicyCmd |
Interface for the command used for determining if a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item may be approved (policy).
AutoApproveReturnItemStandardChecksCmd |
Interface for the command used for the base evaluation of whether a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item may be approved.
CalculateReturnAdjustmentPolicyCmd |
Interface for the command used for calculating the adjustment for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) based on policy.
CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentCreditCmd |
Interface for the task command used for calculating the adjustment credit for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item.
CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentPolicyCmd |
Interface for the command used for calculating the adjustment for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item based on policy.
CalculateReturnItemCreditCmd |
Interface for the command used for calculating the automatic credit for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item associated
with a complete order item.
CalculateReturnItemCreditForCatEntryCmd |
Interface for the command used for calculating the automatic credit for the return merchandise authorization (RMA) item based on a cat entry.
CalculateReturnItemProductCreditCmd |
Interface for the command used for calculating the automatic product credit for the return merchandise authorization (RMA) item.
CalculateReturnTaxCmd |
Interface for the command used for calculating the tax credits for the return merchandise authorization (RMA).
CalculateRMAApprovalCmd |
Interface for the command used for calculating overall status of return merchandise authorization (RMA).
CalculateRMAItemTotalCreditCmd |
This task command is used to calculate total credit of RMA item.
CheckReturnItemInCorrectStateCmd |
Interface for the command checks if the orderItem is in a correct state to be
added to a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
CheckRMAItemExpirationCmd |
Interface for the task command that checks to see if the return merchandise authorization (RMA) item has expired.
CloseReturnCmd |
Interface for the command used to mark a return merchandise authorization (RMA) closed from further edits.
CreditReturnItemCmd |
Interface for the command used for performing the actual refund for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) and its items.
DetermineReturnCreditVehicleCmd |
Interface for command used to determine what means to use for a credit.
ExtendAdminReturnApproveCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends AdminReturnApprove.
ExtendReturnCancelCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends ReturnCancel.
ExtendReturnCreditAndCloseScanCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends ReturnCreditAndCloseScan.
ExtendReturnItemAddCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends ReturnItemAdd.
ExtendReturnItemDeleteCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends ReturnItemDelete.
ExtendReturnItemUpdateCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends ReturnItemUpdate.
ExtendReturnPrepareCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends ReturnPrepare.
ExtendReturnProcessCmd |
Interface for the task command that extends ReturnProcess.
FinalizeRefundCmd |
This class is the interface for the command used to finalize the actual refund to the RMA and associated RMA items.
GetOrderItemShippedTimeCmd |
The default implementation of this interface is
GetOrderItemShippedTimeCmdImpl . |
LogReturnAuthCmd |
Interface for the command which makes note that customer has been notified
of their return merchandise authorization (RMA) number and its content.
PrimeRefundCmd |
This class is the interface for the command used to prime the actual refund to the RMA and associated RMA items.
RefreshExpiredRMAItemsCmd |
Interface for the task command that evaluates whether any return merchandise authorization (RMA) items
have expired and does something if so.
RefundPaymentPolicyCmd | Deprecated
Replaced by
ARefundTaskCmd |
RePrepareExpiredRMACmd |
Interface for the task command that evaluates whether a return merchandise authorization (RMA) has expired and re-prepares if so.
ResolveReturnFulfillmentCenterCmd |
Interface for the command used to determine where a customer should be directed to return their merchandise.
ResolveReturnItemInventoryQuantityCmd |
The default implementation of this command is
ResolveReturnItemInventoryQuantityCmdImpl . |
ReturnCancelCmd |
This command is used to cancel a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
ReturnConstants |
Constants used by the returns and refunds system.
ReturnCreateCmd |
This command is used to create a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
ReturnCreditAndCloseScanCmd |
This command is used to initiate credits and close approved return merchandise authorizations (RMA), if the credit was successfully initiated.
ReturnDisplayCmd |
This Order controller controller command is used to display a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
ReturnItemAddCmd |
This controller command is used to used to add an item to a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
ReturnItemComponentDisposeCmd |
Interface for command used to record disposition of a returned item after it has been received.
ReturnItemComponentReceiveCmd |
Interface for command used to mark a returned item as received by the seller.
ReturnItemComponentUpdateCmd |
This controller command is used to update information about a component of a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item.
ReturnItemDeleteCmd |
This controller command is used to delete an item from a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
ReturnItemToInventoryCmd |
Interface for command used to return merchandise to pool of inventory
which can be used for new inventory allocations.
ReturnItemUpdateCmd |
This controller command is used to update information about a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item.
ReturnListDisplayCmd |
This Order controller controller command is used to display a list of return merchandise authorizations (RMA).
ReturnPrepareCmd |
This command is used to get a return merchandise authorization (RMA) terms ready for agreement.
ReturnProcessCmd |
This command is used to "finalize" the terms of a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
ReturnUpdateCmd |
This command is used to update a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
SetRMAOrganizationCmd |
This task command is called by other Returns commands to set the organization info of an RMA.
States |
The definitions of the states of a return merchandise authorization (RMA) and an RMAItem.
Class | Description |
AdminReturnApproveCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
AdminReturnApproveCmd interface. |
ApproveRefundAlwaysPolicyCmdImpl |
Check to see if the refund for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) and its set of RMA items is approved.
ApproveReturnItemCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the controller command
AdminReturnItem interface. |
ARefundTaskCmdImpl |
This class is the abstract refund task command class.
AutoApproveReturnItemByDaysPolicyCmdImpl |
This is an automatic approval policy implementation based on the number of days
since the item was shipped.
AutoApproveReturnItemCmdImpl |
Overall Task command used for determining if a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item may be approved programmatically.
AutoApproveReturnItemStandardChecksCmdImpl |
Command used for the base evaluation of whether a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item may be approved.
CalculateReturnAdjustmentNonePolicyCmdImpl |
Calculate the adjustment for a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentCreditCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentCreditCmd interface. |
CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentFlatPolicyCmdImpl |
Calculate the adjustment for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item based on a flat fee.
CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentPercentagePolicyCmdImpl |
Calculate the adjustment for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item based on a percentage.
CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentPolicyCmdImpl |
Calculate the adjustment for a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item.
CalculateReturnItemCreditCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CalculateReturnItemCreditCmd interface. |
CalculateReturnItemCreditForCatEntryCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CalculateReturnItemCreditForCatEntryCmd interface. |
CalculateReturnItemProductCreditCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CalculateReturnItemProductCreditCmd interface. |
CalculateReturnTaxCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CalculateReturnTaxCmd interface. |
CalculateRMAApprovalCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CalculateRMAAproval interface. |
CalculateRMAItemTotalCreditCmdImpl |
This is implementation of the
CalculateRMAItemTotalCreditCmd task command. |
CheckReturnItemInCorrectStateCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CheckReturnItemInCorrectStateCmd interface. |
CheckRMAItemExpirationCmdImpl |
Task command to check a return merchandise authorization (RMA) item to see if it has expired.
CloseReturnCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CloseReturnCmd interface. |
CreditReturnItemCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
CreditReturnItemCmdImpl interface. |
DetermineReturnCreditVehicleCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
DetermineReturnCreditVehicleCmd interface. |
ExtendAdminReturnApproveCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendAdminReturnApproveCmd interface. |
ExtendReturnCancelCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendReturnCancelCmd interface. |
ExtendReturnCreditAndCloseScanCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendReturnCreditAndCloseScanCmd interface. |
ExtendReturnItemAddCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendReturnItemAddCmd interface. |
ExtendReturnItemDeleteCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendReturnItemDelete interface. |
ExtendReturnItemUpdateCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendReturnItemUpdateCmd interface. |
ExtendReturnPrepareCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendReturnPrepareCmd interface. |
ExtendReturnProcessCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ExtendReturnProcess interface. |
FinalizeRefundCmdImpl |
This class is the default implementation of the
FinalizeRefundCmdImpl interface. |
GetOrderItemShippedTimeCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
GetOrderItemShippedTimeCmd task command. |
LogReturnAuthCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
LogReturnAuthCmd interface. |
PrimeRefundCmdImpl |
This class is the default implementation of the
PrimeRefundCmdImpl interface. |
RefreshExpiredRMAItemsCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
RefreshExpiredRMAItemsCmd interface. |
RefundByCreditPolicyCmdImpl | Deprecated
Replaced by
PrimeRefundCmdImpl |
RefundByOriginalPaymentPolicyCmdImpl | Deprecated
Replaced by
PrimeRefundCmdImpl |
RefundPaymentPolicyCmdImpl | Deprecated
Replaced by
ARefundTaskCmdImpl |
RefundWithDependentSupportPolicyCmdImpl |
This class is an implementation class of the command
RefundByMethodPolicyCmd , which corresponds to the scenarios
where payment methods used in placing order can be choosed as the refund
method. |
RePrepareExpiredRMACmdImpl |
Default implementation of the Task command
RePrepareExpiredRMACmd interface. |
ResolveReturnFulfillmentCenterCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the
ResolveReturnFulfillmentCenterCmd interface. |
ResolveReturnItemInventoryQuantityCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ResolveReturnItemInventoryQuantityCmd task command. |
ReturnBaseCmdImpl |
This is a base return command which implements a few methods to do the return
resource locking and unlocking.
ReturnCancelCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ReturnCancelCmd controller command. |
ReturnCreateCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnCreateCmd interface. |
ReturnCreditAndCloseScanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnCreditAndCloseScanCmd interface. |
ReturnDisplayCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnDisplayCmd interface. |
ReturnItemAddCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnItemAddCmd interface. |
ReturnItemBaseCmdImpl |
This is a base implementation for both ReturnItemAdd and ReturnItemUpdate.
ReturnItemComponentDisposeCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the controller command
ReturnItemComponentDisposeCmd interface. |
ReturnItemComponentReceiveCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the controller command
ReturnItemComponentReceiveCmd interface. |
ReturnItemComponentUpdateCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the controller command
ReturnItemComponentUpdateCmd interface. |
ReturnItemDeleteCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnItemDeleteCmd interface. |
ReturnItemToInventoryCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the task command
ReturnItemToInventoryCmd interface. |
ReturnItemUpdateCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnItemUpdateCmd interface. |
ReturnListDisplayCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ReturnListDisplayCmd controller controllercommand . |
ReturnPrepareCmdImpl |
Adds terms and conditions to a return merchandise authorization (RMA) prior to agreement.
ReturnProcessCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnProcessCmd interface. |
ReturnUpdateCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the controller command
ReturnUpdateCmd interface. |
SetRMAOrganizationCmdImpl |
Default implementation of the task command
SetRMAOrganizationCmd interface. |
VATCalculateRMAItemTotalCreditCmdImpl |
This is implementation of the
CalculateRMAItemTotalCreditCmd task command. |