Interface | Description |
FetchEntitledPriceCmd |
This is the interface for the command that is used to fetch EntitledPrice nouns.
Class | Description |
AbstractFetchEntitledPriceCmdImpl |
This class is the abstract implementation used to fetch EntitledPrice nouns.
ChangePriceListPriceEntryActionCmdImpl |
The part command is executed for the Change AttributeDictionaryAttributeGroup's Description
ComposePriceEntryDetailCmdImpl |
This class is to compose the PriceEntry detail information to the ShowPriceListType.
FetchEntitledPriceByCatentryIdCmdImpl |
This class is the implementation of the command key
/EntitledPrice[(CatalogEntryIdentifier[UniqueID=] and UnitPrice[Price[@currency=]
and (Quantity= and Quantity[@uom=])])] |
FetchEntitledPriceByContractAndCatentryIdCmdImpl |
This class is the implementation of the command key
/EntitledPrice[(CatalogEntryIdentifier[UniqueID=] and ContractIdentifier[
UniqueID=] and UnitPrice[Price[@currency=] and (Quantity= and Quantity
[@uom=])])] |
FetchEntitledPriceByContractAndPartNumberCmdImpl |
This class is the implementation of the command key
/EntitledPrice[(CatalogEntryIdentifier[ExternalIdentifier[PartNumber=]] and
ContractIdentifier[UniqueID=] and UnitPrice[Price[@currency=] and (Quantity=
and Quantity[@uom=])])] |
FetchEntitledPriceByPartNumberCmdImpl |
This class is the implementation of the command key
and UnitPrice[Price[@currency=] and (Quantity= and Quantity[@uom=])])] |
FetchExternalPriceEntryCmdImpl |
This class fetches entitled price from external price service.
FetchPriceEntryCmdImpl |
This implementation returns a list of OfferDataBean.